🐝 Dear @Dayleeo — well friday has arrived in earnest, terrific present start to the day, even slept in an hour!


nothing really mission critical this morning, very simple morning.

by the time that 8 am rolled around, everything was done and dusted — well at least until early afternoon. i’m going to take a walk after i’ve written you, i had half expected for the last few days to be awful rain and wind storms but it’s not happened, super thankful tbh.

makes life a lot easier if i’m not wading through water or got the wipers on full blast as people forget that water can make your car aquaplane across the surface when they have to put on the brakes, slow drives are the best drives, hopefully i can take you on a bluetooth drive with me later on today again.

Photo by Airstream Inc. on Unsplash (airstream getting into the 4x4 rv world!)

been feeling the exercise vibes from your side, get those walks in, i totally agree with you about once you’re out kinda thing — can be difficult to “make the start” but once you get going ya off to the races and everything just falls away, those incremental steps really stack, get a set of resistance bands (which i wanna do next) and oh baby baby ;)

so yeah, quick thirty minute work to clear down the brain, take in the nature and what they are doing this morning, normally it’s something chasing something away because it overstepped their very carefully created geofence around their home or babies = lots of squawking.

think it’s a refill the gallon and get going at that this morning, make a bunch more scenes inside of obs and maybe make some animation assets in screenflow as a separate side thing.

markets are still weird, i know i should be finding funds to stack here but i still believe it’s gonna go a lot lower before we start seeing some kinda turn around, still feel that i wanna concentrate on projects i’m gonna actually use or with applications that i’d use on the daily that are better than their centralised offerings — very interested in MATIC and SOLANA.

ok so i maybe called the whole walking thing a little bit early, it’s actually been full blown raining (not hardcore but still) since i started writing this. I recharged my dumb bell of a water container from the ancient spring whays and started pumping it skyward on the walk back on each arm, heck if i do that each day that’s a real start right? :)

feeling focus today hunny, feeling sharp, maybe it’s the new exercise and water routine, the everyday supplements, a combination of all these things, maybe the routine of slipping into that easily and still being able to do things around the sides of it too, just the time management side of it is really kicking it — trying to make the most of the new resources available.

hope your in the mood for a little drink tonight, the euros match of the moment at 8pm is gonna be scotland vs england. even thou it’s gonna be raining all day and tomorrow i think i’m gonna get some beer and wine and find a way for us to both watch it some how.

Also the call of duty league is playing this weekend and they are back on lan again which i always found better because you get the real time reactions of when the teams are talking smack to each other, i’ve always felt that was a more true gaming experience because online gaming has so many added variables that don’t really make it a true competitive environment.

i got a little lost down the tiktok time tunnel for the last hour and here i was thinking that i was doing good and i was ahead for the rest of the day, just shows what i know right. little afternoon task to do and then i’m back in for the night/weekend — lots of changes over the weekend which i’ll tell you about on voice later.

Alright, time to try and crush a sprint, you’ll be waking up probably soon, timezones mam, looking forward to the days we wake up at relatively the same times again. well, me getting up extra early doors and heading out and getting shiz done and returning to my queen with breakfast, a kiss and a little like table with orange juice, water, coffee and brekky :) — you know i like to be that silver service chef in the am light!

Ok, another friday, i see you universe,
thankful to share it with you today,
as i do everyday, it’s always brought me happiness,
feels great to have found you in this plain.

Welcome to FriDAZE.
Mouser x

p.s — pick up some wine if you can, gonna see what they have on the way back and throw a few cans down my neck in the process too, no need for a food run thou, i’ve got plenty in.

pinterest epic wins pinboard → brand advocate for nokia, 1000heads, verisign → won vloggie for node666 (san fran 2006) → television for time team history hunters 1999 → sold me.dm to evan williams in april 2011 → went to phil campbell, alabama to help raise money after tornado (was on sky news, bbc news)→ CNN for sxsw 2013 about austin sxsw → video chat with robert scoblemusic video can you spot me?

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