🐝 Dear @Dayleeo — i’m good to go, i’m good to go — like literally i’m booked in :)


you’ll be coming along with me soon to pick “them” up too hopefully, should be fun, let’s see what we get, if we get a good one or not. I won’t say any more than that, i’m sure you’ll know what i mean, i used jodie foster to add to the drama a little when i sign off ;)

early doors, bird song, sunlight, reality, a time that transported me back fourteen years in a blink of an eye. somber, but also insightful, thankful as heck for life journey shared so far. A good day was unfolding in front of me.

Photo by Toa Heftiba on Unsplash

threw myself into the day to find that today was not really ready for me, but all good, i took a drive, realised i didn’t have my wallet to get that early doors last minute few things from the superstores and headed back, refilled the water from the ancient spring whays and hit the keyboard, it’s just after 8am.

early starts are kinda the move if you have something to do, if you have an initial task to achieve, something that motivates you to get up and get going. A structure, a plan, a destination where you need to do an action and then complete the task — it’s the way i work best.

Realising (hard) that it’s the movement/momentum energy for me that fires that up. If i feel restricted by transportation that pleasure centre just does not fire up, it kinda atrophies all it’s hopes and dreams become this time based sprint pattern instead — which is fine but i don’t get the best out of the day, the early morning brain vibes.

i crafted a message before i slept last night that was important to arrive in mini bizeys dm’s this morning, it was around the same time actually all those many years ago, i think she saw it before she went about her day today. we are blessed ain’t we. i’m so thankful for the wonderful people in my live.

mentally i’m trying to focus up today to make some MONEY, boy needs to get a few things in and sorted, i’m looking at that memory foam bliss dream because i need those power naps, i need that jab jab and then i’m gonna be doing those early morning exercises and deep sleeps we used to have, all before you come online and wake — how epic would that be?

so glad you have discovered those other “location” options, i’m certain with the right research finding a relatively cost effective pad between pad, drives between home bases — we can find the right kinda thing, in the right area, with the right kinda neighbours and such like. heck, if anyone can flex into that, it’s us.

the universe is listening and responding hunny, i mean think about how random it was to get that “callback” for ya work recently. every single time we have discussed, put that out, had concern, wanting to craft something for ourselves we get “something” back, sure it might not be the ultimate need but maybe the journey is the important life lesson here — it’s gonna feel like a dream when we have those other things locked in anyway.

just know that clarity has been returning AF since i started on that new daily supplement situation, getting sharper each day, feeling balanced and determined. i’m sure you’ll start to see the result of that in the next few weeks from this side.

While the world is adapting and waking up to the new now, we can operate between the cracks and be the glue that it needs as always. Take a little of the top, work that bucket of cream like the little mousers we are and start making head way to the top of the barrel and out into the wider world, avoiding eagles as we go (sorry but saw a tiktok where they released this mouse and a fucking eagle straight up came down and fucking caught it)

Alright, gonna close this up here. Got a bunch of analog life logistics to do this morning, things arriving and coming into today after all instead of midweek (which is good to get it outta the way of course) and then i’m straight into obs and course mapping from these notes i set myself yesterday, was good to hang yesterday and those SOLOS were fab right?

welcome to monday, fresh & clean slate ahead.

Monday Dreams and Whays,
Re-engage Momentum Thrusters!
Mouser x

pinterest epic wins pinboard → brand advocate for nokia, 1000heads, verisign → won vloggie for node666 (san fran 2006) → television for time team history hunters 1999 → sold me.dm to evan williams in april 2011 → went to phil campbell, alabama to help raise money after tornado (was on sky news, bbc news)→ CNN for sxsw 2013 about austin sxsw → video chat with robert scoblemusic video can you spot me?

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