👾 Dear @teamhumble Its not Saturday is it? Does it really matter anyway?

Goodmorning you, and welcome to Saturday, press play, and if you haven't already get that goose neck kettle warmed up...

Those morning rituals man, there's something about them isnt there. It's as if we as humans need a set of muscle memory things that our bodies can take care of automatically while our brains boot up. I know you're much better at being "with it" first thing in the morning, but I know you appreciate a good morning ritual as much as I do. Kettle flipped on, a pop of the head outside to see what we're working with weather and climate wise, by the time you turn around I'm standing behind you, big eyes, silently requesting hugs...

After we said goodnight I carried on sealing my tins, it's only been a few hours but I'm pretty happy with the result so far, I've tipped them back over to see if we have any issues over night. If they hold up I'll feel good about applying new back stickers and sending them on their way. I've got to get that done early because we're working with Saturday USPS hours.

If I can get that done tomorrow I'll be able to exhale and get back to the promo stuff I keep telling myself I "need" to do.

And yes "need" is in quotes because it's all made up isnt it, the timelines the I get worked up about not adhering to, the "shoulds" the "needs" all words I'm working on erasing from my internal thought vocabulary. Because all there really is, is... is IS or IS NOT. There is no try right? But even when there is try, I know I've tried my best and that has to be enough, because the alternative is some pretty cruel self talk...

Just know I'm working on it.

I know you haven't gotten the best of me this week. Something that makes me sad to think about, something I'm sorry for. I dont think I even got the best of me. It was the B-team up at bat this week battling pains and overwhelm and cloudiness. I'm praying the clouds part and we both have a solid week ahead of us. I'm looking forward to making the most out of this weekend.

Two days from today marks the first evening I wasn't able to sleep due to back pain, and which i know you remember, started a pretty terrible chapter and saga of more pain and sleepless nights. Yep it's already been a YEAR since all of that nastyness. And let me tell you, even though I still have my days of pain and stiffness, I never ever take a good night of sleep for granted. Good lord, part of it feels like a dream and part of it feels like it was only a few short weeks ago.

We're here though, you and I. And that's all that matters. I fell down a hole of watching some vanlifers on youtube and then british baking show while I was having my painting time tonight.

Both of which made me think of you, both of which made me smile thinking of you, and us and the way we are together. Nothing on this earth means more to me than that.

Thank you for hanging in there with me this week, maybe we can get you that Septer today eh?

Good morning mouser. I love you very much.

<3 Dayle


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