👾 Dear @teamhumble its a chilled out rainy day in my heart even if its not raining outside

Oh my oh my, let me tell you. I usually write you with headphones on, but tonight I'm listening with my little wonderboom and boy oh boy is it doing it for me, its filling the room with those distant rain sounds. It really is kind of perfect.

Hello and goodmorning my love, is it raining at your location? I knew earlier today wether or not tomorrow was calling for rain but at this point I truly dont remember, part of me hopes it's a rainy one. Shutters shut, oil heater cranked, socks layered with wool booties. I'm here for that kind of work day. Steaming hot beverage to my left, aah.... what a vibe this track is.

I meant what I said in that video earlier, I was convinced it was mid week by the end of the day, have I really only had that holiday box out for just a week?! I know we always used to joke about our perceptions of time being distorted but damn, it's so severe for me lately. And also, by the end of the day i'm TIRED with a capital TIEEEE-urd. I feel like I ran a 7 mile marathon when I can assure you i've done nothing but the sort.

Maybe its all the energy switching, maybe it's the shorter days where the body is like AHEM the light has been out for hours now why arent you sleeping.

Dunno, I've always just synced with circadian rhythms that way.

One day when we're truly off grid, I'd love to do a week outside time. Just one week where all the digitals are off, no clocks or watches, just a week when we eat when we feel hungry, sleep when we're tired and fuck the rest. Damn, a week outside time sounds like the most relaxing thing I can think of.

I guess that points to the fact that most of my existential stress comes from time, i'm terrified by the way it seems to slip, but maybe it's like sand, the harder you grip the faster it goes...

Anyway, I'm done with my philosophical time crisis. (Damn that was a fun game though, time crisis, please tell me you remember that one from the arcades.)

It's time for me to take contacts out, wash my face and get under the covers instead of on top of them. I think I'll keep this track on a bit longer and let the chilled out vibes seep in, maybe my subconscious can give me a break and wont serve me prison riot jail break megazord dental anxiety dreams eh?

One can only hope.

I hope this little message made you smile. I hope you're warm and well and fed and watered this morning.

I love you to the alpha quadrant and back...

<3 Dot


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