👾 Dear @teamhumble coziness as a state of mind.

Another morning/evening where I have the pleasure of saying good morning to my favorite person.

Thest tunes are a bit up beat for my end of the day brain but i hope they're doing it for you, a little caffeine free activation stimulus on a Monday morning, and by all means still enjoy the coffee, all this means is now you can have an extra cup.

And here I am at the end of the weekend. Considering I woke up fully convinced it was Monday morning, I guess it was a bonus? Aside from making some soup and making/packing tonight's order I really did spend all day in bed.

I think this time last year, or even a few months ago that's something I would have felt immensely bad about, guilty i wasnt working or wasnt able to work, those feelings of shame guilt and feeling "behind" some impossible self imposed benchmark.

And while I still did feel a little frustrated I wasn't firing on all cylinders I know that I've done the work to provide for a day like today. It's like when you get all those wines fermenting in the cellar and the f-off too the desert for the day and dont end up selling anything a the end of the day. It all equals out in the end right? At least I have to believe that on the effort scale.

I wrote you less this week than I would have liked but to be honest its mostly because my days have been pretty linear and I find myself without much to say. The groundhog day feeling is real, but at least some of the digital metrics are moving so I have that as a benchmark for the passing of time. I truly cant believe we are at the last full week of November, that's disturbing and shocking all at once.

I seem to never be able to get used to how fast time is flying by, but the plus is if I've got to be away from you at least that's the pacing.

I miss you terribly, I miss the way we are together, I miss feeling at home, and able to relax. I've had to force myself to focus on this business or I think I would have gone to a really dark and sad place these past few months. Now that we're hading into winter and these short days I'm going to try to make an effort to switch to mid morning walks, get that sunshine when I can, do my best to keep the body and mind healthy... the winter months can be harsh on both scores.

But that being said, you and I are extreme purveyors of the art of cosy, which is, when you think about it, the ability to say "no" in the face of harsh elements, the strength to carve out an opposing kind of space to the outside world and the creativity to sustain it.

And I know you and I have determination, creativity and defiance in boatloads. ;)

So, take a large sip of water, and get into that stoic book, set youreself out an awesome day, maybe a walk or a stretch before you get into the digitals and I'll see youon the other side.

I love you with all my heart hunny,

<3 Dayle

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