Silk PLA Miniature Test

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I have been testing a new filament with the library 3D printer. Our Dremel 3D45 is designed for proprietary spools, so I needed to first print an adapter to use standard 2kg spools, and then acknowledge I was voiding a (long-expired) warranty before it would let me select custom settings.

Fortunately, the OVV3D tri-color PLA I used included suggested nozzle and bed temperatures, and everything basically worked right out of the box. Yay! No troubleshooting! The result was this iridescent model of a tentacled monstrosity I can use in my Dungeons & Dragons campaign. I might use it with an Aboleth stat block or some other creepy-crawly big bad for this story arc. It has a 0.2mm layer height and 2 perimeters. I can't recall whether I used 15% or 20% infill.

Silk PLA is interesting stuff. The presentation is amazing, much better in person than what I can show with my cell phone photography skills. This has a blend of blue, green, and orange that takes on a coppery hue. I like it. This also seems a bit more flexible and resilient to bending than the more brittle Dremel-branded PLA, so that may offer some benefits. The spool was also very well wound, and I had zero binding or tangling issues despite the jury-rigged feed system I had to use.

However, I am unimpressed with its behavior for anything functional. I've had some issues with layers not adhering and models splitting despite looking like a solid print. It also swells almost to the original 1.75mm diameter shortly after extruding from the 0.4mm hot end nozzle whenever I change filament or clear a clog. It doesn't seem to affect the printed model, but I wouldn't trust it for anything requiring dimensional precision. Finally, it just feels more fragile, though I haven't done anything scientific to actually test its resistance to being crushed.

Have you used "silk PLA" or other PLA-adjacent filaments? What did you like, and what did you hate?

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I've been having trouble getting back in the swing of writing serious posts, and tackling controversial topics while trying to be fair and balanced is no easy thing. You get a soft topic as filler (15% or 20%?) while I try to hash out tough topics behind the scenes and wrestle them into a coherent essay.

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