Qurator's Photo Quest | Portrait//Soon Michelle will be on Hive / Qurator's Photo Quest | Retrato// Pronto estará Michelle con nosotros en la colmena


I want to make a little introduction of this beautiful girl, who will soon join us in Hive.

Michelle is my niece, the light of my eyes and one of the most special people I have ever met. Since she was born, I loved her deeply.

She is one of those people who catches you with her magic, with her charm and with that indomitable girl-woman spirit that characterizes her.

Her look says that she has a magic secret hidden that she has to tell you. She's irreverent, she's loving, she doesn't stop at social labels, she says what she thinks and what she feels.


She is sincere, sentimental, cries while watching a romantic movie, laughs out loud, sings her heart out and is always there for you when you need her.

She hughs you with her soul and will never let you down.

She is a hard worker, has been the best student in her class and graduated with honors from the Central University of Venezuela as a Social Communicator.


She never stops having time to play, to have fun and to make the world a place we want to be.

She has worked at the UN, helping refugees and will always have something to share with you. A plate of food, some clothes and she has belonged to the Resistance against the oppressive regime of Nicolas Maduro.

She has gone through strong health problems, like fibromyalgia, but you know what? Never ever and despite the pain, she has stopped smiling and I think that has been her best medicine: laughter and the desire to live.

Michelle is one of those little people who are made with magic and God gives her little kisses in her soul every day.

If you knew her, you'd love her right away!

This is my entry to the @qurator competition Qurator's Photo Quest | Portrait

I want to invite my two friends @carolinacardoza and @sacra97 to participate in this great contest.

michi y joel.jpg

Quiero hacer una pequeña introducción de esta preciosa chica, quien pronto nos acompañará en Hive.

Michelle es mi sobrina, la luz de mis ojos y una de las personas más especiales que he conocido. Desde que nació, la amé profundamente.

Es una de esas personas que te atrapa con su magia, con su encanto y con ese espíritu indomable de niña-mujer que la caracteriza.

Su mirada dice que tiene un mágico secreto escondido que te ha de contar. Es irreverente, es cariñosa, no se detiene ante etiquetas sociales, dice lo que piensa y lo que siente.


Es sincera, es sentimental, llora viendo una película romántica, se ríe a carcajadas, canta a todo gañote y siempre está para ti cuando lo necesitas.

Te abraza con el alma y jamás te defraudará.

Es trabajadora, ha sido la mejor estudiante en su clase y se graduó con honores en la Universidad Central de Venezuela, como Comunicadora Social.


Jamás deja de tener tiempo para jugar, para divertirse y para hacer del mundo un lugar en el que queremos estar.

Ha trabajado en la ONU, ayudando a los refugiados y siempre tendrá algo que compartir contigo. Un plato de comida, algo de ropa y ha pertenecido a la Resistencia en contra del régimen opresor de Nicolás Maduro.

Ella ha pasado por fuertes problemas de salud, como lo es la fibromialgia, pero sabes qué? Jamás jamás jamás y a pesar del dolor, ha dejado de sonreír y creo que ese ha sido su mejor medicamento: la risa y el deseo de vivir.

Michelle es una de esas personitas que están hechas con magia y Dios le da besitos en su alma cada día.

Si la conocieras, la amarías de inmediato.

Esta es mi entrada al concurso de @qurator Qurator's Photo Quest | Portrait

Quiero invitar a participar en este genial concurso a mis dos amigas @carolinacardoza y @sacra97

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