Memory Monday. My experience learning to ride a bike (Es-Eng)

Hola amigos y seguidores de ¨Qurator Community¨:  Como todos los días lunes paso por aquí para recordarles que es el momento de participar de este genial desafío #memoirmonday, una excelente iniciativa creada por mi amigo @ericvancewalton. Lo interesante de este desafío es que te brinda la oportunidad de tener todos los días lunes material para publicar, algo muy importante cuando publicas a diario, es disponer material constante para crear tu contenido

Source: Family Álbum

Hello friends and followers of ¨Qurator Community¨:  Like every Monday, I'm here to remind you that it's time to participate in this great challenge #memoirmonday, an excellent initiative created by my friend @ericvancewalton. The interesting thing about this challenge is that it gives you the opportunity to have material to publish every Monday, something very important when you publish daily, is to have constant material to create your content

Otra cosa muy interesante es que lo que publicas lo haces en nuestra ¨cadena¨ de ¨bloques¨, y como sabes, todo lo que se aloja en nuestra ¨blockchain¨, está por siempre disponible en la web; otro aspecto más que significativo de esta iniciativa, es la sencilles con la que se puede participar, pero antes de publicar debes ingresar al link de ¨esta iniciativa¨:  para comprobar las consignas. Dicho en pocas palabras, solo debes estar atento a la pregunta que semanalmente hace nuestro amigo Eric, y tendrás siete días para responderlas. La pregunta de esta semana es muy divertida y entretenida que te traerán gratos recuerdos

Source: Family Álbum

Another very interesting thing is that what you publish you do it in our ¨chain¨ of ¨blocks¨, and as you know, everything that is hosted in our ¨blockchain¨, is forever available on the web; Another significant aspect of this initiative is how easy it is to participate. However, before publishing, you must enter the link "this initiative":  to check the instructions. In short, you just have to pay attention to the question that our friend Eric asks weekly, and you will have seven days to answer them. This week's question is a fun and entertaining one that will bring back fond memories

No recuerdo exactamente el año en que aprendí a andar en bicicleta, pero oscila entre el año 1972 o 1973; en aquella época en mi ciudad no había muchos chicos que tengan bicicletas, solo aquellos que eran de familia que estuvieran muy bien económicamente. En la cuadra los primeros en tener bicicletas eran dos primos mayores, sus padres siempre estuvieron bien y podían darse ese lujo, recuerdo pasar tiempo sentado en un banquito de madera en la vereda frente a nuestra casa, viendo como ellos hacían carreras y se divertían a lo grande con sus vehículos

Source: Family Álbum

I don't remember exactly the year I learned to ride a bike, but it was somewhere between 1972 or 1973; at that time in my city there weren't many kids who had bikes, only those who were from families that were very well off financially. On the block, the first ones to have bicycles were two older cousins, their parents were always well off and could afford that luxury, I remember spending time sitting on a wooden bench on the sidewalk in front of our house, watching them race and have a great time with their vehicles

Mi padre era mecánico de barcos y por su profesión casi nunca estaba en casa, por el papel importante que desenvolvía en la empresa, había temporada de viajes que no regresaba durante el año; en una de esas bajada del barco, me sorprendió llegando con una bicicleta bajo el brazo, al principio pensé que se trataba de una bicicleta de rodados pequeño, pero resulto ser que era una bicicleta rodado 16, y era aquella bici que todos la querían; aunque les cueste creer recibí la bicicleta soñada, ¿ Quién en esa época no deseo una ¨Fiorenza?¨:  la particularidad de esta bicicleta era que se plegaba por la mitad, era por eso que al llegar mi padre con el obsequio, parecía que era una bicicleta de menor rodado

Source: Family Álbum

My father was a boat mechanic and because of his profession he was almost never at home, because of the important role he played in the company, there were seasons of travel that he did not return during the year; On one of those descents from the boat, he surprised me by arriving with a bicycle under his arm. At first I thought it was a small-wheeled bicycle, but it turned out to be a 16-wheeled bicycle, and it was the bike that everyone wanted; Although it's hard to believe, I received the bike of my dreams. Who at that time didn't want one? ¨Fiorenza?¨:  The peculiarity of this bike was that it folded in half, which is why when my father arrived with the gift, it seemed like a smaller bike

Para principiantes la unidad venia con dos rueditas para mantener el equilibrio, así los chicos usaban varias semanas hasta aprender a mantener el equilibrio y entonces se podía retirar. Pasar tantas tardes de veranos sentado en la vereda viendo a mis primos montados en sus bicicletas, hizo que solo usara el soporte de las dos ruedas un par de horas, para cuando mis padres salieron a sentarse en la vereda para verme montar la bici, mis primos ya lo habían quitado y yo me despasaba en la bicicleta como si la montara hacía varios meses atrás. Algunos años después puede comprarme con el sueldo de mis primeros trabajos, otra bicicleta que todo el mundo la anhelaba, las bicicletas ¨Orbea¨. En mi época de adolescencia todos los jóvenes nos movilizábamos en bicicletas, y nos diferenciábamos uno de otros por la marca de la bicicleta, o los adornos extras que les podías agregar, como espejos, bocinas, incluso luces, para esto se instalaba un ¨dinamo¨ en las ruedas delanteras que era que hacía que las luces enciendan.

Source: Family Álbum

For beginners, the unit came with two wheels to keep balance, so the kids used it for several weeks until they learned to keep balance and then I could take it off. Spending so many summer afternoons sitting on the sidewalk watching my cousins riding their bikes meant that I only used the two-wheel stand for a couple of hours. By the time my parents came out to sit on the sidewalk to watch me ride my bike, my cousins had already taken it off and I was riding my bike as if I had been riding it for months. A few years later, with my salary from my first jobs, I was able to buy another bike that everyone longed for, the "Orbea" bikes. In my teenage years, all of us young people rode bikes, and we were differentiated from each other by the brand of the bike, or the extra accessories that could be added, such as mirrors, horns, even lights. For this, a "dynamo" was installed in the front wheels, which made the lights turn on.


Source:  vimeo-free-videos

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