How I strengthen myself in this hard time of my life

Hello everyone, how are doing, my name is Valblesza,
welcome to my blog.

We hope and effective strategy at the end I believe everything will be fine. The struggle continues and it has an ending time.

I must survive before all these rough, and go about my little business. But it is not easy at all, to survive because nothing is bigger than the sky.

I will be very untrue if I say life is any pretty easy at all; in this hard time whenever everyone is facing hardship and downtimes, especially in my home country. But one thing that keeps me going is my strength, strategies, extra plants and minimalist lifestyle.

I truly strengthen myself, each day I leave my home, with the hope that nothing remains permanently forever. When I go out of the Street, I see people smiling, and I'm forced to smile with them.

Truly speaking, if I want to take things how it is weighing me, from all concerns, both psychologically and financial; I might think of the ills.

But when I look at the birds of the sky, no one is feeding them, I look at how the sky is moving, no one is actually in charge of it. Bring in that psychological happiness, knowing that God is always there to provide for I and my family no matter what.

I focus on small wins:

Honestly, I am a man of big expectations, but I think the only way I can survive this hard time is to first control the things I home for. I try to accept the little things I can make up for my family, I don't expect much every day. It keeps me brass, and strengthens my hope for the feature.

I set Realistic goal:
I control my finances, if issues does require my attention, I don't spend. This is because, I want to save a little for my feature; where I can be rest my hope on.

Even the Bible says that anyone who would like to build should count the lost.

I maintain good connection:

I have been able to strengthen my hope by maintaining a good relationship with people. Not only that, but I'm this hard time is it advise maintaining good, relationships with people. You can't tell the next minute. That person can be your hope. So I build a good hope on my solid relationships with people.

I make my kind of friends:
I try to make new friends and understand my old friends, I don't make friends with people who have high taste at the moment. This helps build my hope within my scope; whenever I see them pushing harder in what they do, I build my hope that I can get out of it.

I select inspiration:


I try as much as I can to read new innovative books, watch movies, read stories, about other countries, cultures.
When I realized I'm not the only one facing the challenge in this hard time, celebrate that inner joy and learn from stories of other people. Likewise, I believe that I can make it.

Not only that, but I practice extreme gratitude:
I appreciate every single thing that comes my way, and I thank God with all hearted, believing He is going to always provide for me. I stop bordering myself with many issues.

Doing all this is the only thing that I strengthen my hope with because life is so difficult and if I build my hope on more serious expectations and higher hopes, I quickly break down.

Thanks For reading this post.

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