Resentment; The enemy of love

Resentment is the negative feeling which can hold our brains and suppress all feelings. We only feel angry and the memories of that time when we were hurt by someone just hold our brain.

Resentment makes us mad
Resentment increases irritation and loss in physical activities. When we feel bad we can do nothing and we revise the same words in our minds. Insulting words can hold our hands.

Negative feelings are not the same in every person, some people can forget the difficult times and move away but some people can't forget the negative behavior of others. The people who can't forget the negative consequences, always remain disturbed and don't enjoy life. They can't explain their negative feelings to others and remain engaged in their thoughts.

Negative feelings can take away our thinking power, we just feel angry and we want to just leave the person who has broken our heart or take revenge for it.
When we are affected by negative feelings, our enemies take advantage of us
Sometimes the people around us take advantage of our anger and hate, they use us for their purposes because negative feelings take away our ability to differentiate between right and wrong.

These feelings make us slaves, and we sometimes can't control our anger.
Resentment can break relations
Resentment can usually occur because of the behavior of our beloved ones because we have many expectations of them and we can't tolerate their anger or insults. Resentment is the enemy of love. When our hearts are broken we feel nothing except hate and anger.

Some people can leave it by expressing their anger on anyone but some just start overthinking about it.

There are many reasons due to why resentment can occur,

When we don't care about our bad behavior with others, we hurt others' feelings or maybe the simple words break our hearts because we just start overthinking about others' behavior and don't focus on our own words.

Sometimes we don't resolve misunderstandings that occur between us, these misunderstandings become permanent and they don't allow us to be active and feel positive about someone.
I was hurt by my friends
I have also faced many conditions like that when I was insulted by someone, one such incident which I can't forget is of my school life when I was younger and I could not understand the intention of people, that was the time when my close friends made me embarrassed in my class that because they were jealous with my reputation in the class. But I was feeling bad for my teacher who insulted me without any mistake. I was overthinking about it. I was also disappointed with their behavior and how they could trap me in their words but then I just thought deeply and I came to know how they took advantage by breaking my trust. When I understood their intentions I got away from their side and then I came to know that I was only standing in front of them and they were insulted actually.

I easily got away from that problem due to some good friends of mine but that incident grew negative feelings in my mind about those friends, I hardly forgot that incident and decided not to trust everyone.

That was not a big incident in my life but I decided to be away from such people who just harm me. Negative feelings can also take away our beloved relations from us.
We can control negative feelings
So we should be sincere to our family and friends and we don't hurt their feelings.

I think we should respect the feelings of others and understand the problem first before insulting someone.

We should observe the problem if negative feelings hold our brains.

We should be positive and focus on positivity so that negative feelings don't attack us.

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