Sunk Coast fallacy

I'd like to introduce you to a concept known as The Sunk Cost Fallacy.

Imagine going to the regular place where you buy meat pies and shawarma from, and while you're happily walking on the road, you suddenly remember the day is Sunday and they'll most likely not be around.

But you feel you've already used too much energy, anticipation and effort to come out, so you decide to just check the shop anyway.

You know deep down that the shop is closed but you still just want to reach there because you feel you've come a long way.

The time and money, and effort put into this is known as Sunk Cost, and this whole thing is known as The Sunk Cost Fallacy.

This pattern of thinking is very common, you feel you've invested a lot of effort already and you don't want them wasted, so you just keep on going even when you know you're doing the wrong thing.

It started affecting me in my early years mostly while solving Math problems.

I'd know I've skipped a step and I'm aware I'm doing the wrong thing but because I've used 2 pages to solve the question already, I just keep on going.

At the end, I still get it wrong.

You are running a business or you're learning a skill or maybe you're trying to accomplish a project but you know you're not doing the right thing.

You feel you've skipped something or you've gone offboard but you're too scared to stop the process.

The message is very simple, it is very okay to stop and start again. Don't wait for the final outcome before you retry.

Don't cling to a mistake just because you spent a long time making it.

I hope you got value. Good morning 😊❤️

©️ DJ

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