I have read and listen to people with influence on the type of people you give entrance into your life and the kind of people we should move with. I used to have a different view about this notion before now, but recently, I watched a video clip of an event where the chairman of Central Bank of Nigeria, Mrs Ibukun Awosika was a speaker.


I paid alot of attention to her speech as she spoke on the kind of people we should allow into our lives. It's no new thing to me that to be successful in all areas of life, be it, academics, career, business, marriage, even spiritual, it all depends on who we move with or those we give access into our lives. There are some certain people we must do life with......


Like an adage says, "show me your friend, and I'd tell you who you are"....
But the question now is, what about those who doesn't fall into these categories?? I mean the category of people of integrity, honesty, loyalty, reliable, encourager, hardworking, dream builder, disciplined, vision, actualizer and so on.


It's simply means, if you don't fall into these categories or train yourself to possess these qualities, no one will wanna do life with you. I urge you to do a reality check on yourself to know why people don't want to employ you, marry you, do business with you, be your friend or even trust their possessions in your care. It could be that there's something you're doing that has kept people away from you and make them avoid you at every given opportunity, If they want to be successful in life.


It's not enough to make research's or read book about people you want to do life with, you must also work on yourself to be that person people want to have in their lives. You must be a value that's always ready to add positively to people's life.

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