My Discovery ( Psalms Chapter 4)

One of the commonest questions people ask is this, why do God answer some prayers, and not answer others? Some even say that God is unfair, God doesn't answer prayers, God is a scam, God is not real and so on.

Whether God is real or not, is a personal thing. To some of us that believe that God is real, this post is for you. A lot of believers have this inner question, why does God answer the prayers of some people and not answer the prayers of others? Why is it so? Is God partial or is God unfair or is he biased?

Yesterday I was going through the Bible, the book of psalms chapter 4, and when I got to verse 3 of the chapter, it came alive to me. Suddenly I realize why God answers some prayers and why he doesn't answer others. This is the verse let's read.

May we never forget that Yahweh works wonders for every one of his devoted lovers. And this is how I know that he will answer my every prayer.
Psalms 4:3 TPT

Did you see the word, devoted lovers? That is the missing ingredient between answered prayers and unanswered prayers. Now let me explain.

In life, we have a lot of lovers of God
and very few devoted lovers of God. There is a difference between a lover and a devoted lover. A lover is someone that loves you without commitment or loyalty, but a devoted lover is someone who is committed to loving you. Someone loyal to you.

If you check the meaning of devoted in the dictionary, you will discover that devoted means dedicated, consecrated, and zealous. Now put this in the context of today's verse.

May we never forget that Yahweh works wonders for every one of his devoted (dedicated, consecrated, zealous) lovers. And this is how I know that he will answer my every prayer.
Psalms 4:3 TPT

How do I know that God will answer my prayer? When I'm a devoted lover he will answer me, because he does wonder for everyone of his devoted lover.

So if I'm devoted to God, I shouldn't worry if God will answer me or not. There is an assurance of answers to prayer if I'm his devoted lover.

The problem here is that many people think that going to church every day or praying every day makes them devoted, no it doesn't. You can sleep in the church and not be devoted. Remember devotion means consecration.

A lot of people who love God, who go to church, but they are not consecrated. Consecration means set apart, holy. Many lovers of God are not Holy. And that is the problem.

God might answer some of your prayers because you love him and because you are his child but there are some answers you won't get answers to, if you are not Holy. If you are not consecrated, there are some answers you might not get, no matter how long you pray.

So the answers to prayer, are not just in prayers or fasting or giving, or faith, or love or any other thing. It is based on devotion! Devotion in this context means dedication, consecration, and zealousness. This is the assurance of answered prayers.

If you wants your prayers to be answered, be devoted, don't just pray and hope you get answers. Be a devoted prayer person. I hope this post inspires you to set your self apart for God and must importantly understand why some prayers are answered and others are not.

God bless you.

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