Amidst the Stress, There Prospers a Growth

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Dear Gentle Readers,

What a cozy day it is to write another blog and rejuvenate away from everything even for just a minute. What's keeping you guys busy these days? I am wishing you guys all the positive energy in this universe!

Are you guys wondering what's up with me? Well, I've been good, I guess? HAHAHAHAHAHHA, definitely I am fine today, but yesterday was really tiring. Buzz News: It's The Hell Week! Our examinations are fast approaching, and that's scheduled next week.

Today, I'm gonna share a piece, that I passed as my homework last week. I just think that it's really nice to share it to everyone. So buckle up, and enjoy!💗

Amidst the Stress, There Prospers a Growth

Stress is a complex feeling that brings aftermath of a certain cause. It drives a branch of thoughts and actions that are chained to my inner persona. It is normal for humans to go through such a dilemma, since humans are wired to experience the feelings and emotions to be able to grow. The occurrence of stress may be unknown and different towards people, and that applies to me also. Stress just appears and changes my daily life, affecting both mind and soul. It is caused by stressors, it may arise from my environment, or the people whom I. engaged with. Even with my family, I can overcome stress. It's a negative buzz that triggers my sanity, though not fully. Even amidst stress, I still grow as much as how the morning glory blooms with all its glory.

template from canva
credits to @alme for the 4th pic, (you love taking pic with me ha🤩)

Now, what tests my sanity? These are the stressors that trigger my composure. First, the social media, with their vast platforms and positive upbringing, I find it tiring. There are a lot of different opinions and perspectives that I can adapt to and apply from the media. However, using them too much triggers me. This happens when I overuse my gadgets, and all I see are things from online. It's not stimulating a positive energy towards me. Second, having a lack of sleep during weekdays. The studies show that sleeping less than the required hours causes our brain to shrink, and thinking about the study gives me stress. When I'm sleep-deprived, my pimples start to appear, and I may not want them to show. Third, the "hell week". Students must know that hell week occurs during the week before the exam. The teachers give their performance tasks, and we have so many subjects, that sometimes, creating these tasks is draining. All the students can agree with me on this. Fourth, are arguments. I totally dislike arguments. Listening to an arguing voice really triggers my brain. This is the worst stressor, actually. Listening to it causes me to cry and have a panic attack, it's really on another level of stress. That's why I don't like arguments. The fifth, and the last, is when I'm forced to do a thing. I don't like doing things that are forced, since I believe that things must be done with grace and poise. Rushing triggers me and brings negative outcomes for me. These things are beyond my control because they are part of my daily life. These stressors may be temporary, yet the fact that these things happen along with some other people involved, makes them uncontrollable.

On the contrary, there are things that I can control. It is the way of how I respond to stressors. It is truly difficult, and it takes time to learn how to cope with stress. Fortunately, I earned the position of understanding myself more, and I'm more knowledgeable about the stress that affects me somehow. When these stressors trigger me, I do proper breathing for a minute. This works a lot for me to calm down and to be able to think logically and keep my sanity. When things get to a different level of stress, when I'm mad, I listen to music, when I'm tired, I take a nap, and when I'm sad, I work out. These actions are done when the stress clings to me, since I'm aware enough of my stressors. Just like the morning glory, I still bloom amidst the stress. Stress is a hurdle that keeps me motivated and worked up. It's the fuel for my burning passion towards growth. Experiencing it may feel difficult, and I may want to break down sometimes, yet it's not stopping me from moving forward.

This yapping session isn't just all about my Hell Week, but also everyone's stressor that sometimes causes us to lose our composure. I'm reminding everyone that it's alright to be stressed, it's alright to be triggered by the things that makes you uncomortable. Just let it stick to your mind that everything will be alright. I'm always here for you guys. Even if we don't know each other, we are co-Hivers and as your acquintance, I'm rooting for you!

Thank you for reaching this part of the blog, I really appreciate it.

Till the next blog rainebows!

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