When Pain Takes Over


Pain hurts. When body hurts, little else matters. Pain takes over mind. Makes hard to think of anything else.

Those without much pain may not understand. They may wonder why person in pain struggles with normal life. But they do not feel the same hurt.

Types of Pain

There are many types of pains. Short pains come fast, also go fast. Like cutting finger or stubbing toe. Hurts much at first but fades. These small pains bother but do not ruin day.

Other pains linger. Back pain. Headache. Arthritis. Pain always there in background. Some days better, some days worse. Reminds self it still hurts. Makes it hard to forget.

Bad pain takes full attention. When kid breaks arm or adult pulls back muscle. Pain says “I am most important!” Hard to care for kids or do job when in so much pain. Only want it to stop.

Why Pain Takes Over Mind

Pain is signal in body that something wrong. When body hurts, brain focuses on part that hurts. Tries to protect it. This good for short time after accident or injury. Helps body heal.

But pain that sticks around is different. It keeps telling brain that body in danger even when not. Brain still reacts. Fear of more pain takes over thoughts. Hard to do anything else.

Being in pain also makes person more cranky. Hurts to move or think so gets frustrated easy. Just want others to understand pain is real and very bad. Anger comes when others not take pain seriously.

Effects of Chronic Pain

Long pain that lasts years can take over life in big way. Person may only focus on pain. What makes pain better or worse each day. Tired from fight with pain so stops doing things once enjoyed.

Money problems often come too. Hard to keep job when in bad pain. Doctor or hospital bills add up fast. Fear of bills piling up while in pain adds stress to mind.

Relationships change when pain becomes center of life. Spouse may need to work more to pay bills. No energy left for fun family things. Friends stop asking person out. Isolation grows pain’s effects.

The Worst Effect: Lost Hope

For many with years of pain, worst part is losing hope. Belief that pain will ever go away fades over time. Just feels like enemy for life without end.

Stuck in day to day battle with pain. No vision of future without hurt. Just long dark tunnel of same struggle. This loss of hope hurts soul and self-worth most of all.

What Helps Chronic Pain Sufferers

Support from others helps most. Family and friends who listen without judgement. Remind person there is still joy possible even with pain.

Doctors who partner with patient give hope too. Work together to find root of pain and keep trying solutions. Advancements happen all the time.

Finally, counselor can aid with emotional battle of pain. Learn to grieve old life first. Then build life with meaning despite limitations. Reframe mind to make space for more than just pain.

We All Must Help Ease Pain Suffering

Next time you see person clearly in pain, have compassion. Do not judge what they cannot do. Offer help in small way instead. This lifts burden even if just for moment.

And if loved one struggles with chronic pain, give gift of listening ear. Remind them you still see the person underneath the pain. Support them as they grieve and rebuild life on new terms.

Pain hurts person in body but also drains soul. With more understanding and care from others, some hurt can heal.

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