
Life is full of ups and down and things are getting harder day by day and Stuffs happen. The troubles, pain, problems, heartaches, tribulations, name it causes depression.

Depression is bad, it can make one do things he or she is supposed not to do. It can drain someone, it can distabilize, it can harm, it can do all sorts of things that is bad to people.

A very quick one:



Few weeks ago, I heard that a guy of about 30 years committed suicide and died inside his room without anyone knowing. I felt to bad and terrible when I heard that but then I asked to find out what really happened to him that he had to do such a thing.

No one seems to have a clue or know what the problem was. His friends, neighbours, family, not even one of them knew what happened to him. I was shocked when I heard so. Like how can someone stay without having somebody to talk to???

Even his girlfriend didn't know what was going on. Can you even imagine that???. I was like wow, that means the problem was a terrible one for him not to talk to anyone even his girlfriend.

Pondering on the whole thing, I said to myself that whatever that guy went through which he couldn't confide in anyone was indeed bad and terrible. But then, he could have atleast confide in someone, even if it's someone who doesn't know him. Who knows there would have been a way out or atleast a clue if what to do.

I felt sorry for him but then With the way the world is what's happening who can we trust? Even your family, your blood can make life a living hell for you. You talk to someone about something, before you know it, it spread across everywhere.

Well, despite that, I believe there are still good people out there though they're not much. But we should always try to open up and talk to people when we're going through one thing or the other.

Keeping mute, wallowing in pity, your problems and troubles isn't the right thing to do. Just talk to someone. Now the poor guy is in the mortuary and he'll soon be buried. Taking your own life or doing something stupid isn't the right thing to do.

So please my dear hivians, when or at any point you're depressed, please talk to someone. No matter how it is, just confide in someone. There could be a way out who knows rather than commiting suicide of doing anything bad.

We're not expected to take our own lives, it's not right in the sight of God. Brace up, stand tall, keep pushing, keep grinding, anyhow, somehow, everything will be fine.

Thank you

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