What do you think? Is interaction with other author post is Important or not?

Namaste Friends,
Welcome you all in another exciting blog post. I hope you all are doing great progress in your life. Let's begin the discussion without wasting your time. I am just sitting and thinking about the script of my new youtube video and that time one thing comes into my mind. Is interacting with other authors post is important of not? I am thinking on this topic for very long time and after that I am thinking to share this topic with you all and will discuss all together that Is it important or not.? What you all thinking?

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After thinking on this subject for very long time I think it is important as Blog writer did lot of hard work and efforts for their post and in return they expect the comments, likes from their readers. Which makes them most happiest person. Also comments and likes or you say upvotes motivates the blogger to create more post with more quality content. If we are writing a blog we should also interact with other blogger. This also helpful to improve ourselves. As every blogger has unique style of writing. Some people are writing the blog so well that every reader thinks they are talking with them. Am I right Friends? So if we read and interact with other bloggers than it will also helpful to improve our writing skills and we also found the places were we needs to improve. This is my view what's your view friends? Are you feeling bored ? Comment below we will discuss on this topic.

While thinking on this topic also one questions comes into the mind Have you ever thinking about the blogger who gives his maximum efforts still his post didn't get single comment? How it feel to them? Have you ever imagine? Might be that blogger will not write again as such thing will break the blogger very badly. I know this feeling as When I was an 12th I started my first blog and everyday I written one post in that. It is simple blog and its build on google sites. But I didn't get single reader that time so I stopped writing the post in that blog. After graduation I again started a blog to express my feelings. But not every person will think in such way. So if we didn't interact with other blogger that will result we will missed some quality content from them in future. Even if we didn't like some things in their post we should express that in comment so they will improve that things in future. Such as some blogger are doing grammatical mistakes or spelling mistakes and if we didn't tell them in comments than how they will know and improve their content?

Why we think for others? Kept yourself in that position and think about "what will you do if you didn't get single like or comment from others?" Are you writing those blogs for long time? For me This answer will be yes as Blog is like hobby for me and if even I didn't get likes or comment than also I will write for long time. As this activity will makes me stress free and for some time I am thinking like I am expressing myself in front of the world. Even I didn't exist in future but my thoughts will exist for lifetime in the way of blog. Also I like to read the other peoples blog as I am sharing my thoughts and trying to motivates them with my comment. Even sometime I am suggesting themselves some improvisation.

What's your motivation to write a blog ? Comment below I am waiting for you all.

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