You lied

You held my hand like it was the most delicate flower ever
Said I was so beautiful,it mesmerised you
You told me I enthralled you,
My grace and charm entranced you
And that it was the reason you could never look into my eyes
Because you were afraid you would sink in them
Get so lost,even the titanic had more hope of being found.
You said you would destroy anything that tried to harm me
Gorge out the eyes of anyone that ever made me cry
An impervious blunder on your part
As you were oblivious to the fact that you were to be the very person who would have to go blind
You said I was worth more than a thousand rubies
More precious than a thousand pearls
You said not even the azure of the northern lights could ever compare to my presence
You said you would never trade me for anything in this world
That you could never bear the thought of ever losing me
But it's pretty obvious you're doing surprisingly marvellously well
So I guess you lied

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