Let go of all the hurts and pain


A letter to my older self

Hey, dear older me, I know life has been tough, and you have to be really strong, but guess what? It's okay to let those heavy things go now; you don't have to carry all those hurts and worries.
It's okay to let go of all the hurt and pain. I bet it isn't easy to let the hurt go. It's okay to let go of all the hurt and pain stuck within your heart and breathe in the fresh breeze of healing. Take to the trash all the pain, jealousy, and hatred that have clouded your mind, throw them out of the window, and embrace the newer you.

I know the pain feels like your chest is getting tighter and the blood in your veins is red. It seems you're going to have a panic attack, and the muscles grow tighter. With no apology, the hurt is being packed up into hatred, and the next thing you're going to think about is revenge. To make whoever hurt you feel what it looks like. I had once been there; pain was the order of the day; slandered words that hurt like knife stabs; and finally, depression. I kept on asking myself what I had done wrong. Everyone makes mistakes, right? But this particular one was slowly killing me. I had loved ones around, but it seemed I was just alone, drowning deep in my thoughts. No phone calls, no going out; just stuck in my room with no one to talk to. I kept beating myself up to see if I could change the hands of time to undo my mistake. But it was late.

I kept asking myself, with tears flowing through my eyes, "Why me?" People avoided me like a plague, and even my loved ones treated me like I had made the worst mistake on earth. Now it wasn't just a mistake. It was how I was treated. I was unable to recover. 3 months gone with no productivity; just stuck nursing my wounds. I was able to heal with the help of one person. The one who didn't crucify me when everyone did, the one who took me by the hand and allowed me to heal. The one who hugged me closely even though I was filthy. I had no therapist, but I had God. He pulled me out of those depressing situations. I nearly thought of taking my life because people around me judged me like they were perfect. To my greatest amazement, I was healing. It was slow, but I gradually healed, getting back all that I lost during those trials.

A letter to my newer self

It's okay to let go of all the hurt and have a clean heart. Let go of all the pain, mystery, and hatred. Embrace the new you, the new world where everything matters. The struggles and disappointment let it go. If you can, do as much as you can. Just do it; you're going to feel better. It's not the end of the world; new opportunities will come. Don't beat yourself; try as much as you can. It's better to try and fail than to not try at all. Give it a try. Refrain from procrastinating. I know it's hard, but then those moments in your subconscious make you feel guilty that you keep on beating yourself up about why you didn't carry out your daily tasks. Of course, there will be thousands of excuses to make you feel better. Why not make the most of your time and make a scale of preference? Even if it's just one hour a day, you will see how far you have come in one month.

Hey, dear new me, it's time to heal, to forgive those who hurt us, and most importantly, to forgive yourself. You have done your best, and that's more than enough, so take a deep breath and let's step into a happier, lighter future.

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