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Betrayal:My Greatest Disappointment 😓

Good morning everyone,how was your night?
I hope you had a peaceful night rest.

I love the topic for these month.Have had so many disappointments,but these one I'm about writing was my worst experience ever.
I received these disappointment in the hard way.

I'm a kind of girl that doesn't associate that easy with people,but when I get use to you I believe it will go a long way.
These is the story of my Life.
Have leaved in the hostel all my life,and I love the hostel in as much as I love my house.
I know how the hostel runs,I know the kind of life people live there but it's fun.

When I started my jss1 back then I was so timid,I couldn't even approach my fellow classmates because I thought I'll be snubbed.i kept living like that till I reach my ss1,I started making friends with my hostelmates and classmates.
I knew not everyone loved me but I never cared.

In my ss2 I had good school daughters and son.who I spend most of my times with especially my daughters,they knew more about me than my classmates.
Then among my classmates I had two friends I loved and share my things with.

Everyone knew we were Soo close
One was my church member while one was my tight friend.
These two people were basically my partners in crime,most of my secrets I told them so that the burdens will off my chest.
I also had a diary where I wrote most of my top secrets in and it was only my friends that knew about it.

I don't believe that in these life that nobody has a rival, basically everyone does,and the are always the people close to us.

I had rivals in my hostel,one was my classmates-she feels I was the reason her school daughter left her to me.
The other was my sidy-she feels I'm loved by everyone.

In my entire life I never saw these coming,I never knew I was plannedädchen-gruppe-porträt-532012/
These is how my disappointment started.
Then I was in my ss3,I wrote my WASSCE done and dusted,I was still in the hostel when I left to write my jamb.
I left the hostel happy ooo,I was talking to everyone in the hostel when I left.
But my coming back for my NECO was the reverse.
I never knew that my classmates could be these wicked, like my own classmates I was very shocked.
Okay,I entered the hostel,I saw my Juniors outside and nobody greeted me or even say a word to me not even my school daughters,I was ha!!!😒 What's all this.
Well,me like this I wasn't bothered ooo not until I entered into the hostel,I headed straight to my corner and I discovered that my box padlock was broken, someone broke the padlock of both my box and locker,at these point I knew I fucked up to have left my diary in school.I never knew that they were all targeting my diary.
Chaiiiiiii God 😥😭I wept bitterly when my two trusted friends broke my school locker and remove my one set of provisions out of four.

I asked them,why did they do that?they replied"you don't love eating and you have enough,now that your no longer our friend we had to get one of it too"I was shocked.
I was shocked.i cried day and night.
Since I returned back for my NECO nobody in the entire big hostel,I mean nobody not even stone said hello to me.
I was a stranger to everyone including my Junior ones.
Everyday,I'll leave my hostel in tears asking God why these is happening.i continue like that till the last day to write my final exams came.
A night to my final exams which was on the 8th of June I went to do my prefect duty at the dinning were I was waiting for them to tidy up the dinning after dinner.

I finished, approach the hostel I had laughter and I rushed to checked what warrant the laughter only to find out mates locked me outside the hostel.
Kaiiiiiii 😯😮I knew I was finished.
All I could hear was "wind don blow,fowl ynash don open".
I started hearing them read my diary in a mockery way and laughing wickedly.i started crying because I knew I was going alot that period and these again?? Indulge by my classmates.

I was like my classmates that are supposed to cover me up and coordinate the Junior ones are the main people involved in these act.
At that point I could feel hatred over me, everyone hates me just like that

I was banging the hostel door and nothing happened.
I had to report to my hostel mistress,she came and the hostel was finally opened.

I went in and everyone called me witch,I was affected psychologically, mentally, emotionally and otherwise.
At that point of my life I was devastated,I was wounded badly
I felt death, seriously I started wishing I went see the next day when I saw everyone was against me and the had a plan to execute the next day which way to be my final day in the hostel.

My boarding mistress called everyone to the hall to Know what the problem was.
Lo and behold I received the shocked of my life,the funniest thing was that she asked everyone to say a complain about me if there was any.
She started from the jss1 students which I don't even have business with,some of the people in the hostel sef I didn't talk to them but yet the filed a case about me.

At that point I knew that my friends and classmates hated me for no just reason
Everyone crooked up a story against me both true and not true, nothing good came out from their mouths.

The one that shocked me was that my friends and I actually do gossip about people once in a while and the exposed should everything, should I say all the secrets we had were leaked,even things I never did or discuss,my friends and daughters actually betrayed me
At these point I was like have lived in the hostel for 6years and on my final day these is what is happening.
My mistress said by Tomorrow I'll taken to the disciplinary team for further explanations.

Well,I prayed a very simple prayer,I knew these wasn't ordinary.
So I told God father please as you turn the counsel of ahetophel into foolish, Please turn this table into foolishness.
And he did jux dat
I went home crying Everytime I remember how my friends betrayed me.
I was broken into pieces I needed someone to fix me
But the scars still appears.
I was also disappointed at myself for letting those girls humiliate me.since then I keep living in these shadows,I can't let go easily that way.

These is how my disappointment ended
Thank for reading my post.
I'm @itohowo.

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