It’s no longer a new thing how much the life we live tends to instill fear and anxiety in us every now and then. There is always one thing we feel we might not be doing right or something we wish we don’t have to do but still get to where we want to be. Over time these feelings develop and it leads us to becoming worried and that will eventually lead us to having fear and anxiety and these two feelings are known as ”The mind’s silent killers.”

Fear is something that no matter what, we can’t do without it. There will always be a reason to feel fear or feel anxious about something most especially things we wish to try out for the first time. It is so because, we are not sure of what the outcome will be like so automatically our minds try to play a game with us by leaving the so many “What if’s” questions and when we can’t give the right answers to these questions, fear shows up it’s ugly head and only a few get to outlive these fears.

Fear and anxiety are the mind’s silent killers as they tend to kill you from within if not properly controlled. Most times we are always so scared of taking the next step because we aren’t sure of how strong the stairs are. We are scared that our loved ones will suddenly leave us, we are scared we are not good enough, we are scared we’ve not read enough for an examination, we are scared that someone else is doing something better than we are and so on.

Mind you, having fear for someone or something has its benefits but that is if it is well managed. But I’d love to focus on the reason why fear is a silent killer when not handled properly. Sometimes our fears are what consumes us even before stepping into a furnace. Just seeing a furnace burning so badly already leaves a message that no matter what, as long as we even go close to that furnace we are done for. Whether you like it or not, the thought of having an experience of something most times results in it becoming a reality.

Our mind is very powerful, it can turn a mere thought into a reality, making your fears become a reality. When we worry too much about something, sometimes we always see these worries manifest themselves for real. As a student, most times when you get into a higher level in the university, some of your seniors will try telling you their past experiences with some courses and lectures and sometimes these experiences instill fears in the heart of some students and it affects them negatively.

Take for example, a senior student told a junior student that there is a particular course that no matter how well you study or prepare for it, you can never have a good grade in it. Just this information can put fear and anxiety in the minds of most junior students that instead of them to still give their best to studying for this course, they just give up on trying hard because they already believed that they won’t do well whether or not the study hard for that course.

The funny thing is, most times that was the same stories that was told to that senior too and that fear of no one does well in that course keeps growing until it will get to someone who won’t believe it and things will turn out well for him or her. Then and only then will other students have a change of mind and start wishing they didn’t act on the fear that was instilled in them.

When it comes to fear and anxiety, it most times has to do with the things we choose to believe. When we believe in something strongly and firmly, whether or not it is true, it most times tends to manifest itself just the way we believe it should. So we should always train our minds to believe on the positive things and not focus on the negative things because you might just get what you believe in.

There are so many silent killers but then a lot of them falls under our fears and anxiety as they have to do with the mind. I don’t know who really needs this but if you are the one, I’d love to let you know that despite the fears you have about something that is affecting you negatively, a simple change of what you believe can give you the courage that you need to scale through.

You fear it, it rears you - by Hopestylist

Images used are mine

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