
It's always exciting for me when I begin a new week and that's because it means another opportunity to worship God in spirit and in truth. Knowing God and his people has been a great gift for me because I do know that a lot of people are still struggling to know who God is and if truly he exists. The only way you can know who God is for me is to agree that you can never truly know him because he is the all in all.

Today I had a spirit filled service with my family and I'm happy to be sharing some of the experience with you all. We had a praise Sunday. A praise Sunday is a Sunday we dedicate to just singing and praying and it was really amazing today because unlike before, we all sang really well.


After the service, we had our youth meeting so we could discuss the way forward. After the Youth meeting we had some refreshments and then we took a group photo. We had some great time together as Youth abd it's really been a long time we were that many in one place.


The congregation I attend is a small one but then we are trying our best to help ourselves to do better and I believe the best way to do that is by showing love to one another. Love conquers all things and I believe that. Whenever we show just a little atom of love we always see great changes and improvement with things.

So many times we find it hard to show love to one another and that's because we choose to tell ourselves that love does not exist but trust me when I say that's the greatest lie anyone can tell him or herself. Love exists and love can conquer whatsoever thing we might be facing.

The more I spend time with people the more I see the manifestation of what love is and what it should be. In the Bible, the book of 1 Corinthians 13 spoke to us extensively what love is and what love is not. So many times we take love to be some crazy feeling but then love is something that only shows in action.

As so many people always say even though not all of them believe, LET LOVE LEAD. Letting love lead means we have to be there for one another and always be ready to be humble and also don't rejoice when anyone partakes in something that is not good. When we truly love a person we always want the best for them by correcting them when they do something wrong and rejoice with them when they do some right.


I'm still trying to learn and put into action what I know love is because I know it is a lot easier to tell someone what something is when they see us doing it. I'm really looking forward to teach a lot of people what love truly is and that means I have so much work to do. I can't do it alone, I need all the help and encouragement that I can get and I believe and hope I'd get it.

Until next time, stay AWESOME and JIGGY!!!

All Images used to mine

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