Singleness is a Gift and a Choice

This statement keep ringing in my mind time and time again. Many are getting married while other are still single. Some are single by choice while other haven't found the right person or have nit found themselves stabilized to take care of a partner. So I ask; is singleness really a gift?

Before answering this question let me first narrate the process that follows before one is considered to be single. First two people male and female got married to each other. After expressing love to each other the gave bath to another human. This human at that point is considered a child, yes a child. Days pass, months pass, and some years also pass. After school and when one is stable and have gotten married that person is considered single. So many people remain in this stage of if life for long while other move out of it very quick.

What is Singleness?

Singleness can be said to be a state of being unmarried or not attached to someone romantically. It is a state of being free from any romantic engagement.

Being single can mean different things for different persons. Some people embrace it as a time for personal growth and self discovery, while others may feel the urge to have a romantic relationship but haven't found the right person. Singleness can be a time to explore the world, and also the time to build professional goal and also build strong relationship.

Some married people consider their self to be single. Reason is that their partner does spend quality time with them, and they also make decisions without their involvement.

Benefits of singleness

  • Being emotionally independant is one benefit of being single. A single person's happy doesn't depend on his or her partner. They find happiness and fulfillment within themselves instead of relying on a partner. For example, someone who is in a relationship need to check on his or her partner and know how they are doing. Most times that's are always issues due to silly mistakes or maybe intentional did. This can make the both partner restless and unhappy, thereby denying them happiness and fulfillments. The reverse is the case for a single person.

  • Being single can help a young person focus more on pursuing his or her career. There will be no distractions which results from having a romantic partner, instead pursuing and achieving his or her career will be of paramount important. Research has shown that young people who are single are more serious in their career pursuit more than those already engage in a romantic relationship. Singleness helps young people build their circle of friends, friend who will help them in achieving their goal. This is another benefit of being single.

  • Single people enjoy the freedom of socializing with people with compromising with a partner. They have the freedom to travel around the world, explore hubbies and invest in ideas without the stress of negotiating with a romantic partner.
    These are but some of the benefits of being single.

Getting married and having a romantic partner also have a lot of benefits. You share ideas together, eat together, have children together and almost do everything together. I think this helps one to be more mature than being single. Being someone's partner comes with some level of responsibility.

Note: I don't advise anyone to be single. The issue of reminding is a personal decision. I believe that once someone is of age he or she should find and be with a partner. Please, this is a personal decision.

So answering the question if singleness is a gift I will say Yes. Is a stage of building oneself and exploring ideas and places. Is a time of pursuing ones goal. So it is really a gift.

This post is one of my participation in the Aprilinleo. I will love to invite @pearlie123 to take part in it. There are chances to win free premium at the end of the month.


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Second picture gotten from Pixabay

Third picture gotten from Pixabay

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