
I want to start by telling a story of a man people categorized as a beast due to his physical looks. People avoided every thing that concerns him, no body wants to relate with him and to crown it all, he lost his parents who was his companion. This man has no friends, no parents, no relations at all. He vowed to be very wealthy, which took him little time, he was very wealthy and started lending people money to pay back with a hug sum for interest rate. He was very brutal to everyone around him and knew nothing about love. He could sieze your property, child or even lock you up if you did not pay back on time, people and even the king was very scared of him.

One day I man came to him to and borrowed huge amount of money for his palm wine business to pay back in a week time, but unfortunately he died on his way coming back from the farm two days after borrow the money. He has one child ,his wife and niece living with him. They wipe for the lost because he was the bread winner of the family. The third day after his death, the lender came to the house of the farmer to inform his family of the debt the man was owing and he will need the money in two days time. The poor widow cried to him to extend the date that she don't have such money and more over the husband did not tell her of such debt. The lender gave them one week to get his money. This widow tried all she could, but couldn't meet up. So she gave her husband niece to the man in marriage to clear there debt.

At first the girl cried bitterly for been forced in marriage and to a man people regard as beast and no body wants to associate with. But as time goes by she accepted the man and tried to look for something she could like about the man.

On an occasion, when she was discussing with the man, she told him how beautiful his teeth are well set and white. And how heart warming his smiles was . And if only he could smile always for her. The man was very happy, first time some one said nice words to him and appreciate him for who he is. That was the beginning of his changing. His wife noticed that he loved appraisal, so she used it as a tool to change the man. And now the man got a nice a cut, reduce his rate for borrow money, smile always and now relate with people.

Even in business appraisal keep your team and business moving.
It can come in form of words, incentives, awards e.t.c.

In every aspect of life, always appreciate people because it will soften your way to success.

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