Finding Spiritual Healing Through Life's Trials !


Hello everyone !

I'm happy to return to the community after an absence of a few days due to some personal impediments. In this article I'm going to discuss a very important subject that could support you in times of difficulty or suffering, whether physical, emotional or existential.

It's true that when we're faced with hardship, it doesn't automatically mean a path to spiritual awakening. Otherwise, all those who suffer would be spiritually elevated, which is not the case.

Recently, I've been talking with some friends about what it means to be a spiritual being. When we embark on this path, we face obstacles, but also opportunities for growth. Rather than seeking only immediate relief from our suffering, we can take a step back and ask ourselves, “How can I take advantage of this trial for my spiritual evolution?”

Let's take a concrete example: a difficult break-up in love. Rather than immediately seeking to fill the void with a new relationship, it can be beneficial to take the time to find ourselves, to connect with our own inner resources. By filling yourself with your own being, you'll be better equipped for a fulfilling relationship in the future.

I remember one person who came to talk to me, expressing her deep desire to meet someone in a meaningful and intimate way. As I accompanied her, I secretly wondered if she shouldn't take her time to make this encounter, as her pain at feeling alone was touching. She confided in me how sad she found being alone, expressing her impatience to find someone quickly. However, I knew that the solution wasn't necessarily to rush into a new relationship. What could have really helped her was to take advantage of her time alone to discover herself, to explore her own resources. By nourishing herself with this introspection, she could have approached a new encounter with inner fulfillment, ready to share her life with someone else.

Similarly, when we experience physical pain, such as backache, rather than simply taking painkillers to alleviate the sensation, we can ask ourselves about the underlying causes of the pain. Perhaps it's a signal from our body that we need to adjust our posture or strengthen our back muscles. By listening to this signal and acting appropriately, we can heal not only our bodies, but also our souls.

Every trial we go through can be an opportunity for spiritual growth if we choose to approach it with openness and awareness.



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