Optimism || Seeing The Bright Side

Optimism according to an online English dictionary is a tendency to expect the best or at least a favorable outcome. And it is synonymous with positivity.

Every day, life throws us difficult situations and we are left to make our choices. How we see those situations is entirely left to us. We can focus on the negative sides, get depressed and stuck or put our focus on the little bright side, do the best we can, and either progress or learns from our failure when we do not succeed.

Being optimistic does not mean one is not aware of a problem it means one is ready to find a way around the problem, by setting a goal and working towards it regardless of the challenges on the way.


Is letting the positive energy inside of you prevail over the negative one, to see the little bright side amid difficult situations.

It is to hope for a better tomorrow no matter what life throws at us because if only we can look deeply, we will see a way forward to our happy ending in any situation.

I have an elder sister who I looked up to and have so much respect for. Her positive energy is just out of this world. She will always say to me, "there is no use getting depressed and sad over life situations, the only thing that matters is looking for a way forward.

This does not mean she does not see the negative sides of things but it means she will always choose the bright side.

Her first daughter, after trying to get pregnant for over two years was born with a rare disability, she could not develop and grow like other babies in her peers.

But my sister is always strong in mind and spirit, fighting for her daughter instead of feeling pity and sorry for herself. She will say feeling pity is a waste of time and resources.

Even when she eventually lost her baby girl after everything she went through, she was still hopeful for a better and happier tomorrow. Before the universe decided to smile at her with three healthy and strong boys.

Optimism is igniting my positive energy and letting it shadow my negative one, letting my positivity takes the lead. it does not mean I believe blindly but I'm more than willing to face my challenges and conquer them no matter what. And even when I did not succeed, I will not let it get to me, but learned my lessons and move forward.

It is about fighting for what I believe in and using all the positive tools at my disposal. It means not giving up, no surrendering, no matter what I face or my challenges.

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It is about counting my blessings, appreciating the little good things of life, being content, and working hard towards achieving my life goals.

A friend once make remarked to me, he said 'I have a way of not letting the bad things get to me

Yeah, negative things will always try to find us, to get into our heads and minds, to destabilize us but the choice and power are always right in our hands, to never give in or give up. To be strong 💪 and be positive. And before you know it every big challenge becomes so easy to overcome.

Optimistic people are happier people, and not because their life is anyway easier than others but because they choose to see the positive side of life while working hard to overcome the challenges that life throws.

It is about being very realistic, being aware of all the possible outcomes, and still choosing to focus on the bright side no matter how little.

It is about positive energy, lighting the bright light inside of me and keeping it burning no matter what comes my way.

It is about letting carrying and loving the people I care about be the force that drives me, believing in myself and my ability to conquer and overcome, I always see myself as a conqueror and that is optimism.

It is about spreading positive energy and hoping it gets to everyone in the end. And you know the best thing? Hive is full of optimistic people, letting their positive energy light the blockchain everywhere you look.

This is it from me to you today dear reader, I wish you a happy new week and hope the positive energy in us to always prevail.

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