The Intricacies of Victimization


Hello everyone, trust your day is going very well, welcome to the month of June, hope you had an eventful May. This is actually my first time here.

It's another month and another opportunity to join the #Juneinleo monthly prompt task, trust me you won't regret it. So for today's prompt, we have a very crucial topic that is disturbing in the society:

Victimization and Self Consciousness

For me I think self consciousness most times stems from victimization, if a person has been victimized, there's every tendency to want to shrink into yourself and always think of what opinions others have of you.

Victimization has to do with the act of exploiting someone, it involves harming another individual or making them feel so small and irrelevant, maybe due to the other person's position or status.


Recently in my country there was this trending video of some high school students, where one was seen victimizing the other, or other words bullying the other student.

The video showed how the senior student repeatedly slapped the junior student on the cheek, the slap wasn't just twice or thrice, but multiple times, and it was simply over a male student.

In this case, the younger student was victimized due to her status, the other girl felt like she was way higher on the food chain compared to the other girl, and could do whatever she pleased to the other girl.

I'm glad that the parents of the bullied student didn't just sit by and do nothing, they took it up with the school and other organizations.

The above scenario is just one of the many examples of victimization that happens every day in society.


Causes of Victimization

Victimization can be brought about through various factors such as socio-economic status, personal characteristics, environment and many more.

Socio-economic Status
People higher up on the ladder, more like people with greater influence, resources sometimes tend to use their status to victimize others, while those at the bottom of the food chain are usually the most vulnerable, they are usually the victims of either the carelessness or callousness of those high up, it actually takes confidence and courage to stand up in the face of these circumstances.

Personal Characteristics
This has to do with your innate characteristics, things you don't have control over, but they sometimes put us in disadvantaged positions. For instance centuries ago, being born as a female already had it's disadvantages, as during those periods women weren't taken seriously, in some households, if a wife gives birth continuously to female children, the man and his family members were seeing making utterances such as the woman hasn't given birth to a child yet.

Being born with some health issues could also mean that you could be victimized more often than not, by some children, by even adults.

Positions that you deserve might not be given you because of your prevailing health issues.
This has been seen happening over and over again, even in today's world where it seems we run an all inclusive society, subtly some of the physically challenged persons are excluded from some positions that they are rightly qualified to fill, making them victims of society.

The environment one finds his or herself can attribute to whether or not he/she will be victimized. For instance an environment with heavy crime and violence rate increases the probablity of victimization for an average individual living in such an environment.

The likes of rape, armed robbery, bully would be almost a normal occurrence for individuals within such an area.

Effects of Victimization

Victimization might lead to a breakdown of the individual involved, either physically, mentally or emotionally, causing stress, fear and trauma for such persons. These can in turn hinder the person's overall performance.

Prevention of Victimization

Victimization can be prevented in some ways, communities should be educated on the dangers of victimization and how to spot signs that a person is being victimized, and how also to try to find help for such persons and not try to turn a blind eye.

Also the law enforcement agents should be accessible and willing to help salvage a situation when the need arises, the officers also should be trained on how to handle such issues.

Policies and legislation protecting people prone to victimization or people that have been victimized should be enacted to enable them get proper legal help.

This is my entry for today for the #Juneinleo tasks, if you haven't joined, please kindly do so. For more information about the #Juneinleo task, you can check here

Thanks for stopping by❤

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