The Power of Emotions: Understanding and Embracing Our Feelings

Greetings ladies and gentlemen on this amazing platform. Welcome to my blog. Wishing you all a happy Sunday. Today I'll be writing on the power of emotions and how we can understand and embrace our feelings.


We have to understand that emotions and feelings are the strings which build our existence. They enrich our experiences, social contacts and relations, as well as create subjective meaning in plain and routinized situations. However, with our emotional world being as complicated as it is, people often find themselves in the rock and a hard place emotionally, the organisations they build, relationships they form and even their connection with themselves is affected.

-The Nature of Emotions

Emotions are therefore patterns that involve our cognitions, affects, somatic experiences and behavior. These can be conscious or unconscious, in response to internal or external events, and can act as a form of attempting to process the event. Happiness and affection, on the one hand, and fear and aggression on the other imply different type of information concerning our needs and values.

-Emotion and decision-making

It is involved in decisions we make in our lives and this is influences by our emotions. Emotions are not illogical but signal what we like and dislike, what is relevant to us. For example, uneasiness may produce negative signal, meaning that a particular decision might not be appropriate while positivity may create positive signal implying that a certain choice is preferable. Listening to the so-called inner voice will enable one to make better decisions and in the process be more genuine.

-Emotional Intelligence: Living resources can be seen as a key to personal development and to outline further the concept of a living resource, it is important to discuss the relationships between components.

The concept of Emotional Intelligence is identified as the capacity to observe one’s own and others’ emotions, and to regulate them effectively. They found out that high Emotional Intelligence is with better ways of doing away with stress, good relationship, and good problem solving skills. Emotional Intelligence consists of being aware of one’s feelings, walking a mile in someone else’s shoes, and understanding how emotions should be managed.


-Embracing and Managing Emotions

Free feelings are actually healthier for us than repressed feelings, as a result the notion should be embraced. This way expressing our feelings let us to deal with it effectively and act in a healthy manner. Exercise, dieting, medication and talking with a therapist can help control the emotion and gain strength.

  • Cultivating Emotional Awareness

Emotional regulation is an aspect whereby one monitors feelings together with recognizing the impact they have to selves and others. The reflective activities, such as meditation or journaling, can be useful in identifying the regularities in one’s emotional patterns, as well as in attaining the understanding of what possesses the ability to elicit specific feelings in a person.

-Emotions have a positive impact on people’s lives and it is for this reason that people should not suppress their emotions, but instead embrace them.

Acknowledging our emotions as appropriate have several advantages that are the following: higher acceptance of oneself, better condition of physical and mental health, and being true to ourselves. Enabling oneself to feel and understand the mechanisms of emotions is an excellent way to live life and work on its improvement.

Lastly, it is necessary to state that emotions are an essential and highly effective part of everyone’s lives, for them to be human. Thus, embracing one’s emotions enables an individual to grow, improve interpersonal interactions, and experience a deeper and fuller existence. It is important to know that all emotions are indeed of some benefit; the challenge is to learn how to use them best.


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Your driver and teacher

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