Breaking free from the past: A step to my peace of mind

Hello everyone, I welcome you all to my blog I hope you all are having a good day.

For some weeks now I have been feeling a little bit gloomy, I guess because I made some decisions which are hard but really needed to be. Some of our decisions might not go well with people but you are the only one that knows what is best for you, at the end of the day you face it on your own. Making the right decision may not be pleasing at the moment, but one will be grateful it did happen later in the future, sometimes we lose things to gain better.

Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.” – Albert Einstein

Do you find yourself still in the past, stuck in one place?

Unable to move on?

Feeling you made too many wrong choices?

Don't be too harsh on yourself, we have all been there

We all have a past and sometimes if you don't break free from it you might not have your breakthrough. At times we get so engrossed in the past that we become ignorant of new opportunities, new people and even events that can improve our lives.

Opportunities that have been lost can never be regained again, but if you are lucky to have a second chance, why not make amends to have better chances, let go and embrace the new opportunities presenting itself.

The future is the only place we can be to repair the past and make amendment. Some baggages need to be left behind.

You might not be happy that you messed up but it is still part of the learning process. We only stop learning when we die, once you are still alive you keep making mistakes and learning from it.

My approach towards moving on

Part of my new year resolution is not be in the bad position I was last year and few years back, I want to be a better version of myself, even if it requires leaving some things behind me.

I want to work more on my self, focus more on my skills and improving my finances. In the aspect of finances I realized there is nothing as good as having your own personal money, if you have to demand for financial help from places you are not meant to be, this can keep dragging you into that pain of being too dependent.

I want to focus on my achievements because I know I am making progress, if I focus on my past mistakes, then I am only depriving myself of enjoying the good moments.


I just want to be self sufficient, happy, free and beautiful so that when I write my story it will be more of positivity and not past hurts.

Whatever it is you are going through that is draining you, it is just for a while, don't overthink it for your own peace of mind


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