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Know what 'Love' is (My Experience)

You know what 'Love' is

Love is my mother's, "Endet nesh" It's the way her words healed the parts and pieces I didn't know were in need of recovery. Love is Her smile. Her angelic voice of guidance. Her tender arms of comfort. Her supersized heart of love. I am her only son. A recipient of her sweetest love, wisest words and most infectious laughter. I am full of her love. Incessant love. The love that allows me to love. To recognize it when I see it. And to honor it however it finds me. I like it here.


Love is the genius Adam Reta. And what he did with words. And what his writings did and continue to do in and through us. Love is reading sentences that rearrange you, give you pause and demand you slow down and take the story in, fully. Love is your fabrics and textures woven into the center of a story no matter how messy and unworthy you may feel.


Love is candles, the smell of coffee, quanta firfir and a quiet and blissfully 'Qidame' afternoon in Addis.

Love is the way I can get on the phone with my bestfriend and before one full breath is taken we are completely undone by fits of laughter. About everything and nothing at all. That's love.

I met you when I needed someone who listen. when I couldn't articulate to others in my world what was happening within me. I didn't really know what depression looked liked or how it sort of slowly reconfigures and dims everything you are. You climbed inside with grace and understanding. Put fire to my candle and sat with me in the middle of my own wilderness. Gave me the words I was struggling to form and simply loved me right where I was. Thank you for teaching me the enduring strength of love and how it persists. Thank you for teaching and ultimately reminding me how love can save you. Love is the way me and my name seem to come more alive inside your mouth.


Love is friends laughing and the way funny moves through them. Witnessing the depths and multitudes they possess at such a young age. That's them. The purest form. Love is family gathering, drinking, laughing, arguing and telling old stories.

Love is old books, old people, history, humor, and all the old old things.
To my Love...
I have been sitting here thinking about all the things I wanted to apologize to you for all the pain I caused and everything I put on you, for everything I needed u to be or needed u to say I am sorry for that. I will always love you because we became what we are now mostly together and u helped make me who I am. I just wanted u to know that there will be a piece of you in me, always and am grateful for that whatever someone u become, whoever's someone u become, wherever you are the the world I am sending you love so that u never feel unloved or lonely. You are my friend to the end or as I used to say it "miste❤️" forever.


Love is all of this and so, so much more.

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