Laughing is an Evidence of Good Living and You Need It to Survive

Laughing is an emotion that portrays a sign of joy, happiness, and many more. feeling happy is mostly showcased through laughing. When one is impressed by an outcome of his/her expectations, he's tempted to laugh. Laughing is very important in our daily life, this is because it'll not only proves that we are happy and overjoyed, but it'll make us have a relaxed mind to think well. Laughter is also one of the ways one can show the public his/her evidence of good living.

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If one is upset over something, I don't think he/she will laugh, but when happiness and joy take over, laughter will eventually emerge. You know in life, we have a different kind of people living, and as we live together, that's how our character and mind differs. What I'm trying to say is that they're people who may laugh over something but inside them, they are not happy. Such people only laugh to make people believe that they are happy with them and why they're not. They only try to pretend in order to hide their evil agenda. Such people who laugh with bad intentions are mostly secretive, bad-minded, and can do anything to get what they think they lost. In most cases, such people who laugh with bad intentions may come from failure over an exam, bad news of death, job termination, negative thought, and many more.

On the way around, they're certain kinds of people who don't like to laugh, but they're okay with the kind of life they may be finding themselves. Most people who display this kind of laughter through their minds are mostly security personnel, and they do this because they are on duty.

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In my own opinion, everyone is permitted to laugh no matter the kind of person you are or the kind of work you do, but it should be minimal. You don't just begin to laugh to disturb the neighborhood without taking caution with your laugh. Whatever you do in life must always be moderate to avoid overdoing it. Why I'm pointing out this because there are certain kinds of people who laugh anyhow without control, and I don't think that's a good idea. I know that before you laugh, you're happy and overjoyed to show your friend, family, group, associates, and many more that you are comfortable with them. When we are in the public, we should always know that we are in the public and if there's any kind of conversation that we are supposed to laugh over it, we should know when to laugh, when to stop, and the laugh should be moderate so that we'll not bring public embarrassment to our self.

I mostly laugh in a conversation, entertainment, dream success achieved, and many more. I laugh in a conversation when I find the most interesting part of it to be positively touching to my life, and when this happens, I'll be relieved from pain, and bad mind thinking. I laugh when listening or watching entertainment especially when the most part of what I love is displayed. I also laugh to show that I'm happy whenever I achieve a particular dream that I have been pursuing for a long time.

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Ways to generate laughs:

Be free-minded with people or whatever you do: When we are free-minded with the situation of life, we may find ourselves happy, and at the same time, we'll see a reason to laugh. We laugh when we seem to be comfortable with our state of well-being.

Forgive and forget: when we don't have any bad intentions against people, we are entitled to laugh anytime we engage in a conversation with them. We must learn to forgive those whom we seem to have offended us in one way or the other. This will help us to live longer as we are happy seeing them around us, and happiness brings laughter.


If you're the type of person that always laugh, remember you'll always be healthy which is evidence of good living. We have different situations affecting us and it's a challenge to us, but we must find a way to be laughing, at least to live longer, because life continues whether good or bad.

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