Anger: It's Like A Virus, It Does More Harm Than Good

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The emotion of anger is normal and healthy; it sends you a message informing you that something is distressing, unfair, or dangerous.
Even while it's reasonable to feel furious after being treated unfairly or harmed, anger becomes an issue when it's expressed in a way that endangers you or other people.

Sometimes we might believe that expressing our anger is beneficial, that others close to us are overly sensitive, and that our anger is justifiable.
Occasionally we need to be angry to be respected. However, if anger is not adequately controlled, it can have harmful effects on both the individual and others, resulting in issues including trust issues, illnesses, and even legal problems.

We must develop methods for controlling our anger. At my friend's workplace last month, a situation occurred that resulted in him losing his well-paying job because of anger management problems.
Although he claimed that his employer is too demanding, he consistently offers several responsibilities for a brief period.

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My friend has been working nonstop since they gave him a project to deliver the following day at noon. Because the assignment was urgent, my friend devoted his sleep to it.
Fortunately, he completed the work early the following day. He sent it to his employer, but the boss anticipated his return to the workplace early.

My friend complained that he wanted to take some time to relax before going to the office because he had been awake all night. However, the employer objected, which resulted in a disagreement between them.
My guy spoke harshly to his boss out of anger. The boss took the words the wrong way, and he fired my friend.

My friend regretted his actions, and he apologised to his boss. But he declined the apology.
Although people will provoke us, we must learn how to control our anger.
We should know the causes of anger, how to acknowledge it and then the possible ways to manage our anger. I will discuss the causes of anger in the paragraph below.

Causes Of Anger

      Unappreciated Feelings

This refers to a feeling of disappointment that develops when a person thinks that their contributions, efforts, or worth are not acknowledged, valued, or respected by others.
Just as the example I sighted earlier, among my friend and his employer. He feels that his boss did not appreciate his efforts. This led to anger and talked harshly to his boss.

    Financial Difficulties

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This happened to a lot of individuals, including me. Whenever I'm out of cash, small things used to aggravate me. I might get upset over something funny.


When we fall short of our expectations or our ambitions. Anger may develop if this emotion lasts for a long time.
This is a common feeling that happens to everyone.


Anger can result from feelings of jealousy when we believe that someone else has what we desire or is being given more recognition than we are. This happened among friends, family, workplace, and the church. etc.


Anger and stress are intimately associated, and one can frequently cause the other.
When we feel powerless to cope or that we have no control over the situation, the stress can make us angry.

Other causes of anger are fear, disrespect, violence, injustice etc. I will discuss the reason why you should control your anger below;

Reason Why You Should Curb The Anger Virus

It's a dangerous infection that can eat deeply into the mind and do far more harm than good.
Check Out What This Virus Is Capable Of Below :

▪ It diminishes your joy, and you will become sad.

▪ It could lead to health issues, such as digestion issues, high blood pressure, and headaches are just a few of the health problems that anger can cause. Long-term anger can also compromise your immune system, making you more prone to disease.

▪ Regularly feeling angry can result in psychological discomfort, which includes anxiety, despair, and stress sensations. Your capacity to connect and build trust with people may also be impacted.

Injury: Anger that is physically manifested can hurt both the person who is feeling it and those around them. Self-harm, property damage, and violent conflicts are a few examples of this.

You can control and lessen your anger by using the following techniques:

▪ Determine what is making you angry: Try to identify the cause of your anger. Is it resentment, hurt, fear, or even jealousy? You can control your anger more effectively if you know where it comes from.

▪ Instead of holding your anger inside or hurling insults at others, let it out in a reasonable way.

▪ When you feel yourself becoming angry, to calm down pause for a while. This can be as easy as taking a few deep breaths, going for a stroll, or pausing an argument that has become particularly hot.

▪ You can calm down and control your anger by using meditation techniques like progressive muscle relaxation, deep breathing, or mindfulness meditation.

In conclusion, we can stop the destructive effects of anger by making use of the above strategies to control our anger. We may start to take action to calm ourselves down and address the underlying issues that are producing our anger by learning to recognize when we are feeling angry and recognizing the triggers that lead to our anger. We should not allow anger to cause damage to our lives.

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