Battle & Giveaway #08 : BLIND + SPEED

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Hello everyone, welcome back to the "Battle n Giveaway" post. In this post, I will be sharing battles that I think are unique (SHARE YOUR BATTLE) and also hosting giveaways that I have done before (UPVOTE BUDGET GIVEAWAY).

Do you guys who play in GOLD LEAGUE MODERN also find it difficult to rank up? That's what I'm experiencing this season. My current rank is always around 24xx~25xx, even though BOT hasn't really "disappeared " from MODERN LEAGUE (,right?). Or could it be because as the end of the season approaches, the competition becomes more competitive?

Even though it was a little difficult (and a little annoying), it allowed me to get a lot of EPIC BATTLE that I can share with you all.

The first part of this post will be about SHARE YOUR BATTLE, be it CARD FOCUS or RULESET FOCUS or just a battle I find interesting enough to share. After that, we'll move on to the GIVEAWAY section.
There are changes to the GIVEAWAYS that are different from the usual (you can see them in full after the SHARE YOUR BATTLE section)

And giveaways will happen 1~2 times per week



This time I will not discuss about Chaos Dragon but the ability that he has when he is level 3, the ability is BLIND (In accordance with the title this time). I very rarely use this ability, but since my Fungus Flinger is level 5, I know that this ability can be the decisive factor.

This ability is similar to FLYING, DODGE, and PHASE (specifically for magic attacks) which make the opponent monster's attack miss. However, the thing that distinguishes BLIND from these 3 abilities is that BLIND acts like a debuff that will decrease the Attack accuracy of the opposing monster, while the other 3 abilities act like a buff given or possessed by the monster to increase the EVASION RATE.


In this battle, Quix the Devious is tasked with reducing the SPEED of the opposing monster. By reducing the SPEED of the opponent's monsters, it can increase the possibility of the opponent's monsters' attacks to miss. Especially coupled with BLIND, will the attacks of the opposing monsters miss continuously?

Lets Start the Battles


The rulesets in this battle were STAMPEDE, TIS BUT SCRATCHES, and EXPLOSIVE WEAPONRY. On the opponent's side, he had provided 2 monsters that had REFLECTION SHIELD to negate the effect of BLAST that came from the EXPLOSIVE WEAPONRY Ruleset. The opponent seemed to have guessed that I would be using a lot of Magic monsters in this battle and decided to use Grandmaster Rathe which grants VOID ARMOR to all of his monsters.

Meanwhile, I relied on the "Martyr + Resurrect " strategy that I learned from opponents I've faced (and discussed here). I used Venari Marksrat (MARTYR) and River Hellondale for this strategy. I also used Wave Brood so that the BLAST effect could hurt (or even defeat) Venari Marksrat.


The strategy was quite successful, Wave Brood and Chaos Dragon got an additional 2 points in all of their STATS thanks to the fall of Venari Marksrat twice due to BLAST.


Up until the fourth round, I had only lost Venari Marksrat and Diemonshark's ARMOR. Meanwhile, on the opponent's side, he had lost Shield Bearer twice and Uriel the Purifier.

With BLIND and the reduced SPEED of the opposing monsters, the 2 opposing Melee monsters (Uriel the Purifier and Corsair Bosun) always failed to land their attacks on Diemonshark (only succeeded 2 times in 4 rounds).

To see the entire battle clearly, you can watch it at >> FULL BATTLE LINK



What is the Upvote Budget that you mentioned earlier?

Upvote Budget (or maybe there's a better name) is slightly different (perhaps) GIVEAWAYS from the others. The reason for naming Upvote Budget is because all prizes destined for GIVEAWAYS come from the total Upvotes received in each post (more precisely the Author Reward section)

How these giveaways work

  • Every GIVEAWAYS post uses (so the reward for posting will be HBD and HIVE)

    • back to 50% HBD 50%HP
  • The Total Upvote Value affects the limit of cards that can be selected

  • Winners can choose any card they want (As long as there is sufficient DEC)

  • The maximum number of winners for giveaways is 3 people (3 draws) or until the DEC is not sufficient to purchase a card only 1 user.

  • The remaining DEC will be added to the GIVEAWAYS the next week next post.

The number of prizes from giveaway posts that will be converted into DEC is
20% (or 40% of the total Author Reward)

decreased to 5% (or 10% of the total Author Reward)


How to join this GIVEAWAYS

  • Upvotes are not required as a condition to enter this giveaway. However, the more upvotes that each post gets, the more varied the cards that can be selected will be.

  • Re-blog is also not a requirement. However, the more users who know about these GIVEAWAYS, the more likely they will upvote and the prizes will increase.

  • You just need to write a comment once on each GIVEAWAYS post.

    • Also write down your IGN (In-Game Name) if it is different from the name you use for your HIVE account.

    • Write down a list of the cards you want, starting with the most expensive to the cheapest. If you don't write it down, you will be disqualified.

Example* :

@vrezyy (or you can write IGN: vrezyy)
1. Tenyii Striker
2. Venari Crystalsmith
3. Gargoya Lion

*You are free to write down how many cards you want (as long as you follow the rules), but the winner will only get 1 card.


Previous Battle & Giveaway winners (#05)

Author reward obtained from last week: $5.854 x10% = $0.586
DEC earned from converting rewards: 758.080
The remaining DEC: 179.910
Total DEC: 937.990

No.WinnerCard they got

The remaining DEC: 27.750


Previous Battle & Giveaway winners (#07)[Will be Update Soon]

DEC earned from reward post (Author-reward): 27.750
The remaining DEC: 27.750
Total DEC: 27.750



Battle & Giveaway #07


That was the combined post of SHARE YOUR BATTLE and UPVOTE BUDGET GIVEAWAYS. As I said before, this kind of post will be held 1~2 times each week (following the participation limit on the Social Media Challenge each week). And thank you for visiting and participating in this GIVEAWAYS.

See you in another post.....

Thanks to:
The challenge link >> CHALLENGE LINK

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