dCity - A Little can go a Long Way


As mayor of my city, it is my duty to continually work to improve it. I don't let the students' debt pile up, it's no wonder they're always inspired to become professors! That last class took forever to graduate by the way! But with more professors, students can graduate faster.

While I was scrutinizing the future generation, I realized that there were a number of young citizens. Were they airdropped (by storks)?


Sorry, but news travels slow up here in the mountains. Signal is weak, too. Or maybe it's just the outdated technology? Did you ever hear the Tragedy of Darth Pleiguis the Wise? No, seriously, the story of how the protocity SIM holdings increased sixfold? What seemingly happened overnight must have actually taken several months.

As mayor, I used to check in only every once in a while. Sometimes I would purchase a new (potentially profitable) building I didn't own already to diversify my city, if my workforce would allow it. Maybe it was some certain strategic purchases I made to help in my tax evasion project but also a few memorable sales of undesirable citizens (Project Hot Fuzz). I remember the protocity fund stagnating around 3k SIM for a long time. Things are starting to look up now.


I just look for buildings that increase popularity and income while not using too many workers. Speaking of workers, I have lots of job training facilities! It's what's getting the homeless and immigrants off their butts; I used to have tons of them and now they're mostly all workers.


I sold one of each for good measure. All proceeds went to the protofund. I almost sold all the young citizens but realized that their tax refunds probably adds up to more rewards, not sure. Here are my stats:


Maxed out on tax refund, yikes!
Well, what do you think?
It's too bad there are no active bids for young citizens in SWAP.HIVE. With .48 as the last price I would have sold and then bought SIM for an even better deal.


Have you noticed I'm trying to increase my SIM power? I want to be heard! Maybe someday I'll even run for president. I could be your protopresident! It's been one of my secret lifelong dreams.

If and when I run for president, I promise to lower taxes!

Until then, I'll be hard at work building capital!

See you around, fellow mayors!

Not financial advice, just my journey!

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