Splinterlands Stacking and Thoughts

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Today I landed what I personally feel is the worst splinter. Either I don't know how to play it right or something I always end up losing those battles. That splinter being... DEATH

Luck for me we can remove this and pick up a new random quest. Which I did and ended up with actully my favorite. That splinter being... DRAGON!


Not sure what it is but Dragon splinters and cards just bring a whole vibe with them. I mean just take a look at some of these cards...


Some of the old school dragons from back in beta days which I have fully maxed out still pack a good punch vs the untames and chaos normal non dragon decks. Which I think is what makes them so powerful.

Looking at some of the new school dragon cards however shows how much more powerful they are (I don't think them all maxed just yet) But with the huge mana cost these cards really dish out some serious work.


and the battle setups are crazy strong! While I didn't play any dragon cards I still have the ability to choose what splinter I want to use which is crazy awesome.

Throw in a dragon battle and it gets nuts! Just take a look at all of this I dished out on the other guy lol BIG RIP on them.


From this battle I want to highlight the importance of what Zyvax Vuul does.

On the surface this card looks pretty blah but the key is in the abilities it has. Flight makes it harder to hit making that 9 health in most cases last a long time Close range allows him to still be in charge if he some how makes it to the front of the line Recharge is the big one. the damage is 3 however this charge gives him the ability to 3x the damage which means 12 damage every other match! It's pretty much an insta kill for whatever it's targeteding.


I'll close this post out with some quest rewards screenshot from today and remind everyone why it's so important to complete them each day.


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