Decentraland: WonderZone - Craft Free NFT Wearables P2E Metaverse


Greetings ONEUP fam, hope you're all doing well. Thought I'd share Decentraland with you guys today as I was recently reminded of how good it could potentially be.

Decentraland is a 3D virtual "Metaverse" world platform. Users can buy and own virtual plots of land in the platform as NFTs via the MANA cryptocurrency, which uses the Ethereum blockchain. Leading to a lot of social events, promotional events and some play-to-earn opportunities.

Today I'll discuss one of those opportunities, it's called the "WonderMine" from WonderZone.

WonderZone came about due to a proposal to the Decentraland DAO; if you are unfamiliar with the term "DAO" it is a Decentralised Autonomous Organisation meaning if you hold a stake within said DAO you have a say.

The proposal was to bring buildable-wearable NFTs and immersive games to Decentraland which they are slowly but surely making into a reality.

I say slowly, as I found about Decentraland early last year and WonderMine followed shortly after ever since the creators have made WonderZone their full time jobs and have recently started fulfilling all the promises and expectations made very early last year.

So a lot is expected in 2022, if you join now perhaps it will benefit you! Let me explain what WonderMine is now.. finally 😅



WonderMine lives in Decentraland, Currently we're in the WonderZone Amusement Park district at -29,56.


The goal is simple:

  • Mine meteors to collect loot, ores and gems
  • Craft materials and better equipment at the crafting machine (more on that soon)
  • Collect enough and you can craft Decentraland Wearables and virtual goods that have real value! (more on that soon too!)


Your Inventory Bag holds all the materials you've collected, and the items you've crafted.

Meteors produce four kinds of gems:

  • Sapphire
  • Emerald
  • Ruby
  • Diamond

And five kinds of metals:

  • Copper
  • Iron
  • Titanium
  • Gold
  • Platinum

You also see the materials you'll need to make wearables;

  • Blue Fabric
  • Glowmetal
  • Wearables Tokens

These can all be crafted from the gems and metals you've collected, or through "Bonus Drops".

Occasionally, during special in-game events, a Gift Box might also emerge from a meteor. You can usually exchange that gift box for a valuable event prize.

Which is the reason I'm writing this post today, I've neglected to play WonderMine for the past couple of months as I got bored with the daily grind for nothing. But recently events have been flying and items minting.

Today WonderMine is hosting yet another event, dropping up to 30 Limited Edition items to miners who just happen to be grinding during the event!


Sadly this event will be over by the time my post comes out, but fear not we are in the early days of the WonderMine with events happening more frequently than ever, now is the perfect time to get involved.

I did mint a few WonderMine items recently which I will show towards the end of the post and their values.



Your Mining Bonus increases based on your level in the game, the type of pickaxe you use, and which wearables your avatar is wearing when you play.

The greater your Mining Bonus, the higher chance you have at getting Bonus Loot Drop when mining. A Bonus Loot Drop gives an extra material, pulled from a higher-value pool. You're more likely to get rare gems and metals, like Diamonds and Platinum, from that bonus drop.

You can also see your current Mining Bonus in the inventory display. As well as the pickaxe icon which displays how many more times you can "mine" a rock before your pickaxe will need to be repaired.




As you can see from the image above, you receive 100 WonderCoins daily allowing you to mine 20 Rocks a day, with occasional bonus drops rewarding you with WonderCoins back, potentially a few extra.

It will take you a little while to stack up the materials needed to craft some NFTs, but if you make it a part of your daily routine to login and mine your daily meteors you will have enough in no time. Better getting a head start now than a month from now!



The Crafting Machine transforms specific sets of materials into other items (example in image above and below!)

Use the red arrow buttons to browse through the crafting recipes. If you already have enough of an ingredient, it has a green background on the screen.

If you have all of the ingredients needed, the lever to the right of the screen starts glowing green. To craft the recipe item, click the glowing lever, and then watch the machine go to work!


As you can see the Diamond Pickaxe NFT has 0 Remaining to mint, meaning they've sold out.

These kind of high end items sell out pretty quickly, as everyone wants the NFT pickaxes.

I tent to go for the more realistic stuff I know I will have a chance at minting currently when the hype is a little larger than the resources available to create the NFTs -

What I mean by create the NFTs is there is a queue of items waiting to be approved by Decentraland themselves, it takes quite a while for items to be submitted, accepted then created. So you must be patient 😅

There are plenty of items when restocked to choose from though! I will show you one right now still mint-able



You get a Stone Axe when you first arrive but it doesn't last very long between repairs.

After you collect some materials, craft a new, more efficient Copper Axe. It last longer and gives you a 10% Mining Bonus - a chance at an extra high-value material from each meteor.

Keep crafting better axes until you create the Diamond Pickaxe, which I still have yet to do, I currently have the highest tier pickaxe that is NOT an NFT.

The previous pickaxe items are merely virtual and not tradeable/Sellable.


Decentraland & WonderMine have became quite popular over the last couple of months, previously I'd see the same few people here daily now there's as many people as the eye can see. (check out the minimap top left of the image)

This is only the beginning, so many events up and coming with potential to earn free NFT's or create them yourselves. I implore you all to check it out at least once!

After you craft your NFTs, your avatar can wear them anywhere in Decentraland, or you can sell or trade them in the Decentraland Marketplace or on OpenSea.


If you are patient enough and keep up to the date with the re-stock announcements you have a more than fair chance at minting any item you choose. I had no stress at all during the previous restock to wonder around, mine some meteors then browse the machine for an item that caught my eye.

Most of the items are similar currently in the sense they're limited, if you look towards the items description; it states I own item #62/100. Only 100 NFT's of this kind currently, but don't forget there will be a vast array of items to choose from per restock. Plenty of chance to snag something decent!

Recently been getting offers submitted on my Decentraland items, I haven't accepted any as I believe they could go up even higher, but the choice is always yours to sell.


At current valuations even when ETH is extremely undervalued right now in this bear market I've received an offer of $13.32.

I own a few more Decentraland items but I am in for the long haul, I was burnt out the previous few months but seeing the progress WonderMine has been making recently I feel I need to start my meteor smashing once again.

Incorporate the mining into your daily or nightly routine when you're at a computer and you'll fly through stacking up the materials.

I hope you enjoyed this post, I also hope to see some of you in the WonderMine! feel free to add me in game; dubble#bb92


if you'd like to see more posts regarding P2E opportunities within Decentraland I'll do my hardest to bring the best relevant news to the ONEUP community.

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