Painting of Ladybug 🐞 on Rock πŸͺ¨πŸŽ¨

Hello everyone. I hope you are all well. I had wanted to participate in the #Kindness-rocks community for a long time. But I couldn't find the stones anywhere and I was waiting for the day when I would find the stones and paint on them. Today turned out to be a lucky day for me. I went to fields with my friend and on the way I found two stones and I quickly picked them up and I was very happy to find them that I found stones after a long time

The two stones I found are white and black. When I was returning home with them, I was looking at them and wondering what I should paint on them. Then I decided to make a ladybug on top of the black stone and I decided this decision before entering the house. I am not much of an expert in stone painting, but I am quite interested in painting a stone

When I entered the house, I dropped all my work and sat down with colors and brushes to paint. Because I was so excited to make Ladybug. I tried my best to make a beautiful painting. The stones were a bit dirty so I washed them first. But unfortunately, there was no sun, due to which they were not drying quickly. Then I dried these stones with a cloth and then I painted white over it first

When I painted white color on top of the stone, I saw bit light of sun and then I put it in the sun light and it dried in two minutes. Then I painted red over it. Actually I didn't have the red color I had a shocking pink color. I added a little yellow color to it so it got a shade of red color and then I used that color

Now I painted his mouth with black color and with black color I drew a line in the middle. Then I made some black spots on her body. I used a fine brush to create the spots so that they were well formed. Then I designed her eyes

I would like to mention here that I found this community when I saw a post by @mipiano and they did a beautiful artwork on a stone. I was very impressed by her art and since then I decided that I will participate in this community and today I have participated in this community and I am very happy for that

It was the first time and I tried my best to make it neat and attractive. Next time I find some more nice stones, I will try to make something new and more beautiful on them. I was very happy to see her final look. Hope you like this ladybug I made

You can see her final look below πŸ₯°

Hope you like my hard work and art. Don't forget to give me feedback. My comment section is always open for you guys and I always reply. Thank you for Glancing on my blog and remember me always with best wishes✨

See you next time 🌸

All Pictures are mine

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