The rocks got a new, knitted home

A few days ago Mother's Day was celebrated in Spain. 🌼

It is a celebration that falls each year on the first Sunday of May and moms are gifted with a small detail. I already know that in different countries it is celebrated on different dates, we already talked about this last year here on Hive. It's not the topic now, but it is a reason why I received a very cool little gift. From my son, of course!

He wanted to give his mother something that cannot be bought and that is not going to wither like a flower, something that is useful for me and that pleases my interests. But he needed a little help from his girl... I mean, she made my gift, upon his request. Sometimes teenagers make us lose our nerves with their little (and serious) things but you see, there are times when they give us a surprise so nice that you wouldn't even visualize it.

So, could you imagine a boot with several compartments? Quite impossible, true?

Well, I did receive one, as my gift for Mother's Day.

Here it is:


A crazy, knitted boot, at first sight. But I don't have three legs, what a pity, I could not use it...

Mom, this is a house with several rooms for your kindness rocks, accessories, and materials. It was my idea and P. knitted it and added parts; it is how it turned out.


The rocks, paints, brushes and markers found their place in the different compartments, although their idea was to place the markers where I put the stones. However, once an acrylic marker is opened, it needs to be stored horizontally so that the paint does not dry out. That is why it got this distribution.


I was more than happy with my gift and thanked both of them. However, for the young lady who put the effort to knit my custom-made gift, I made my thank you words appear on a rock. This rock with purple leaves was born a few weeks ago (just the leaves) but because of its colours, I decided to use exactly this one.


Now it was upgraded by white dots and the other side with the name of the person and a Muchas gracias message. Also, I drew a little purple heart, all decorated with white dots. The colours match the knitted gift. Oh, and I applied a layer of the varnish to protect the colours. Here I still have to gain much more experience as I don't really know how thick the layer has to be... I tried with another rock and there I put a too thick layer of varnish, and here I think it was thinner than needed. It dried very quickly and kind of cracked. But not visibly cracked, I just feel it that way under my fingers. It is not as smooth as I thought it would be.


Yesterday morning the rock was wrapped and ready to go.


The rock was delivered and opened. I got this message on WhatsApp. 😇

As this one was already half done, of course, I spent a bit more time trying to draw something on other rocks... One idea went wrong, a complete failure (the result was a very, very abstract scene that my son commented like - oh, it is like contemporary art 😂) but it deserves a separate post as it will have to be continued, I will not give up on that idea.

The other doodling included an animal, that is coming in two different ways. The two drawings of the same face have different characters. (I think I can try to draw it every day to see what it says to me each time.🤔)

The model comes from a comment from this post where I drew lines with my index finger on the screen of my phone. Actually, upon a photo of a rock that had a spot, like an eye and looked like a smiling face. Well, at that moment it became a horse.

! [my horse drawing from the other day]

It has a triangle-shaped eye (which came as an accident but I liked it so probably all future horses will come with a triangle representing the eye) and a thin and pointed ear - which is not to my liking that much.

Now, the horse drawings on the real rocks.

The first turned out to be a young, blue horse, ready for some action. Galloping hundreds and thousands of kilometres, across vast steppes, maybe it would be The Eurasian Steppe. Before he went on that journey I quickly took a photo of him.


Just a few minutes later the second one arrived. It was an old, much calmer version of our protagonist with a white mane and affected eyes.


He looked pensive, but I doubt he wanted to gallop. He stayed on the soft surface but later it entered its new, knitted home. It sleeps there now. 😉


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