Talking Rock 😁

Hello guy's welcome to my blog. I came here with my new artwork on rock. Rocks i have already home because someone gifted me for paintings. So today i thought to make some painting on rock. To make on rock is a very artistic work. Today my title is talking rock. My painting on rock is looking like that is talking to someone. So let's start the work. The main material is water colors , rock and black marker for sketching on it.


First i took a rock from my draz. It is in a little black color. So first i decided to color it whole with blue shade. I wet my brush and started brushing rock with blue color.

A few minutes i dry it so i can made shape easily on it. I picked my black marker and made eyes in small amd big sizes.

I put rock in a plate so i can painting on it easily. Then filled eyes with black water color with my mini brush.

Later on i made teeth drawing with also marker.

I filled eyes and teeth with white color. for highlighting sketch. After using white its looking pretty .

At the last step i put some dot's with cotton bud using dark pink color. It was ready for final result.

Final look

I also made a video of my artwork don't forget watch it. I hope you will like. See you soon. Bye bye.

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