Sweetness and melancholy that crosses an ocean. 🦉🎻


Summer brings many trips to the beach, I must admit I love the sea and the sun, but I think I already knew that.

But it seems that now I am addicted to collecting rocks, not just any rock but one that carries messages, I love messages.


When I look near the water, always so crystal clear I see so many beautiful, colored, striped, and on this occasion several called me, because if the rocks talk to me and if I am crazy.


They told me they must rest first before I take them home, so I find a shady spot for them.


These shiny white stones remind me of quartz and fascinate me.


I got home, washed them well, they needed a shower and then I arranged them in the special place for them.


If you look closely there is an infiltrator in the publication that is not a rock, but she wanted to come to my house too, she begged me and I told her that if she behaved well I would take her... I am still crazy.


Look at this one, she is super rare and beautiful.




This time I chose two gray rocks because I wanted what I was going to paint to contrast, although this time I also painted a background.

Between so many choices it was almost night time, perfect time to relax and paint for a while, these rocks were the winners of the choice, because of the shape and how smooth they are.

After the first publication I made, many people started asking me to paint rocks for them, although they know it might be a long time before I can deliver them to them, in the meantime I will take good care of them.

One of those wonderful people was my peer in Hive @elbuhito, I know she loves owls and violin and I said the next one will be her.




The process of drawing was not easy because being the dark rock I could not see very well what I was drawing, the pencil was not very distinguishable. But in the reflection of the light I could see something. Later, when I paint, I change the form, the drawing is only a guide to the space.


I selected the oil colors I wanted to paint this time, brown, orange, ocher, black, white, some red.


The most difficult thing to paint birds are the feathers and in a reduced place even more, so look for the smallest brush that exists that has by number 00. Trick if the tip opens you can cut some hairs, it works.

There is a complicated color, black, if you put too much it will ruin everything, it is always better to put very little and if you need more then put more.


First I started with the browns and feathers, fixing the outlines. Unlike black, I always say white fixes everything and that's how it is. That's how I used to teach my students when I taught painting classes.


I continued with the eyes but the orange got too much mixed up with the black, but then the bench fixes everything.


You see how true it is? It is the solution to everything.


This stone will be called sweetness and that's why I made a pink background that means love.

The owl is the symbol of wisdom, all seeing, symbol of seeing beyond the usual. One of my power animals is the owl, which belongs to the same family as the owl. She gives to know and see, she sees more and not exactly with human eyes. Think about the virtues of an owl and you will know it. Each animal has its characteristics.

Yamila has this animal, it is very clear and guides her, that is why this stone always accompanies her.


Then I began to paint the violin, I saw less of the drawing on the stone, so when I painted it, it was as if I were drawing it again.

The most complicated thing was the strings, I think I should get a thinner brush or cut more hairs.


At the beginning it was fatter, it looked like a guitar, but then I solved it with the background and made it thinner, that happens sometimes, you have to put an instrument on a diet.

With the dark background I managed to generate shadows and thus the contrast with the violin.



This stone is called melancholy, precisely because the violin often generates that sensation. Both Yamila and I like the violin and it generates the same feeling in me.

The sensation of its sound transports us to emotions and we can navigate in them, it is as if the heart swells and tears flow, but not always of sadness but of deep emotion.

It was already dark, about 12 o'clock at night. I wanted to see how the stones looked in white light, always surprising.

The chosen names were perfect.




The next morning, that is today, I wrote them on the back and so they will be united forever and will be in the hands of a sensitive, good and kind-hearted person.


Sweetness and melancholy I think perfectly describe Yamila because the owl from this side of the ocean sees the heart of the owl over there. So distance does not exist.

May these rocks spread lots of sweetness.

Thank you all for watching and reading this far, big greetings and until next time.

All photographs are my own.

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