A piece of sea for my soul sister. 🐬


I haven't painted for a long time, quite a long time. I have painted on wood, canvas, cardboard, cloth, but never on rocks.

I love oil painting because its brightness, texture and brilliant colours are unparalleled for me.



A few days ago I went to the beach just with the idea of looking for rocks to paint on and I found some very nice ones, although their size was a bit small. I still took them from the shore of the beach.



Then I went there yesterday, but I was looking for white rocks. There are some rocks that are so white that they look like quartz and in some parts they are very shiny. That's just what I wanted.



I wanted to be able to experiment painting directly on it without any base and that's why I said to myself that they had to be white. It's a whim, they could have been any other colour, but I wanted them that way.



I looked for my oils, my brushes, a pencil to draw with and I said to myself: My first rock of goodness has to be for her, who is 12,000 km away, because I know that I will give it to her when I travel, and in the meantime I will take care of her.


In the end, it wasn't one rock, it was two, because I couldn't decide between a sea and a dolphin, two things she loves.


When I was in Argentina I made her a painting with dolphins so that she would have a souvenir of me before I left, but this dolphin must be from Malaga.

This beautiful animal represents a lot to her, so I set out to draw it.


In the case of the sea I don't need to draw it, I paint it directly. The number of times I've done paintings of the sea... there have been several.



The texture is rough, but with oil paint there were no problems. I was able to mix the colours and shade them very well thanks to the flush water. The glitter of the stone gave it a special touch.


I love painting the sea, especially the foam part. My first experience painting the sea on stone was not bad at all. The stone was not smooth and had its irregularities.

It was late at night when I was painting, it is a time when I have peace and quiet and there is not much noise outside. The yellow lights in my house gave a relaxing atmosphere while I was painting.



Then I continued painting the dolphin which has sharper outlines and more shading. It was difficult at first as it was small stone and not regular, but I managed.

I put the stones on a tray that I have with violin motifs, writings... I love those things.


I really liked the experience, it gave me peace and brought back memories. Claudia, my friend, always sends me photos of her city, which is also on the coast.

Claudia is my soul sister, I met her .... How many years have passed, 28 years. I met her at university and she is my right hand. No matter how far apart we are, our souls are united.


The painting needed to settle, oil paint takes a long time to dry, so I put the finishing touches on it this morning.




I outlined the dolphin with a black pencil and this morning I wrote behind the stones.

"I love you Claudia, my friend and sister in life."
"For you Claudia"


With these stones I would give her the immensity of the sea, with its peace and renewal of energies and with the dolphin, one of her favourite animals that represents her.

Both of us are renewed by the sea, she can swim and I can't, but from a distance she taught me to float... that's something.



I know there will be more rocks of goodness, but I wanted the first ones to be for her. I told her she would have a surprise today, she reads everything I post and I know she will love it. For you Clau, from a distance.

Thank you @mipiano for this community, I loved painting these stones, I don't procrastinate anymore and I know there will be many more of these stones.

A big greeting to all and see you next time.

All photographs are my own.

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