"Getting another HIVean into RFOX"

The simply joys of a direct P2P ERC20-LEO token swap, for only a 1% TA fee.

I did a nice little LEO for RFOX swap with @felander in the last week.

He's got a bucket load of RFOX and I was in the market for some, so we locked in a price on Discord and then just did a direct swap, avoiding most of the silly gas fees you usually get with Uniswap.

I had in fact looked into buying a few thousand more RFOX in the previous week, but couldn't face the $10-15 transaction fees I'd been quoted. Just NO!

But with this direct P2P work around he just sent the RFOX straight to my ETH wallet from his, for a relatively forgiving $1.50 (rather than the higher fees for swapping) and then I sent him the LEO direct to his wallet.

It was a relatively small trade, so this was the only viable option for me - had I swapped ETH for RFOX, which is the only way you can buy it as far as I'm aware, I'd have been looking at a 10% transaction fee probably, this way it was nearer 1%.

It helps that we met at SF3, so we know we can trust each other, so much so that he waited a week for a PowerDown to go through, which I finally got around to honouring today.

Screenshot 20201227 at 18.39.33.png

If you've never heard of RFOX, who @felander put me on to, they are the Vietnamese company behind Koggs. I saw that Splinterlands 'deal' the other week where if you buy YET MORE Untamed packs, you get some Koggs. I didn't take up that offer, far better to have 'shares' in the company behind the NFTs if you ask me.

The simply joys of a direct P2P ERC20-LEO token swap, for only a 1% TA fee.

This is a cross post of @revise.leo/the-simply-joys-of-a-direct-p2p-erc20-leo-token-swap-for-only-a-1-ta-fee by @felander.

Getting another HIVean into RFOX

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