The Resemblance is...UNCANNY!

A few weeks back, I was watching the comedy skits by the group Smosh. As I went through the clips, something bothered me. I couldn't tell what was the root of it at first. Then, it hit me that there was something familiar about one of Smosh's members.

Taking a few moments for myself, I began to search the web. I came to a startling (I'm exaggerating) conclusion. Ned Scott is Shayne Topp. There's no doubt about it.

I spliced two pictures I found off of the internet of these two men

Could it be? That @ned has abandoned us all to resume/pursue his career in comedy?

Could it be that the former CEO was a comedian first? Or, is it the other way around. Is this why we no longer hear from the man with the hair anymore?

This post is pure comedy and fake news.

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