Retiring at your local league can help give your league more exposure: Thanks Ahmed Musa for paving such way

Good day guys, I am really sorry for not being able to update us on the latest happening when it comes to soccer in particular, I am really trying to catch up with so many activities of late. When it comes to soccer I must admit that I am really impressed by what I have been seeing so far. The entire world is buzzing right now and I am really glad that there is a system in place where players are now looking for ways to earn cryptocurrency as payment for salary. We all knows the beauty this will add to cryptocurrency and at large it will help to paint cryptocurrency to the outside world as money instead of what some might be seeing it as.


Another thing that got my attention is that Ahmed Musa is now playing for Kanu Pillar. He is back to his local league where the football dreams started from. I never knew a day like this will come where my local league will smile to such great news. I have seen great players move back to their local league, this is not done because of the money or let me say the salary they will be making from it but it is done to bring more exposure to their local league.

I have watched great players like Ronaldo, Tevez, Kaka, Iniesta, Xavi, Juan Silveria, Arjen Rubben, Fernando Torress, Evra and host of other notable players who went back to their local team to retire, this is just an avenue to give their local league more attention. When I see players taking such step I off my hat for them. They can easily move to Chinese league and make good money even with their old age but they choose to ignore and give their local league more boost, these are players I called legend.


I am observing Cristiano Ronaldo and my mind is really heavy towards him. I am beginning to sense that he might want to retires in such realm, if he does this, my support for him will be 2000%. It is not mandatory to retire in your local league but the glory from it is the big deal. Imagine Cristiano Ronaldo going back to Portugal to retire, what does this tells you. It will bring in more exposure for his local league and this will make people that love Cristiano Ronaldo take a closer look at the Portugal league.

When it comes to players who have love for their home soil, Ahmed Musa is one player that is not exempted. He has played in different elite team like the English premier league, Russia league and host of others notable league. Ahmed Musa left Saudi Arabia team - Al Nassr, where he was out of service for just some few time. He got the bid from Kano pillars, a local league in Nigeria where he started his career. He can easily snub the call base on certain criteria's but he never did. Because of the love he has for the team he summon the courage and give it a try and right now he is happy being among Kano pillars ecosystem.


I will be looking forward to seeing if there will be any press release for him, this will mean a lot to my local league. If every players starts emulating something like this I believe all the league will have good exposure by now. Take Kanu Nwankwo and Austin Jay Jay Okocha as case study, they were all after the money. I am not blaming them for that, they have the right to do whatsoever they pleases with their lives but at least it is good to emulate good things.

Well, you can see that I am very happy about what is on ground, I am really impressed that Ahmed Musa didn't see this as a big challenges instead he embrace such step in other for him to give his country's local league the edge it deserve. I will love to advice other players to emulate this act, the bottom line is that it will help to give your local league more exposure. Money is important but remember money is not everything.

 All photos were     
              taken with my  


Stay bless as you go through this post.

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