Mahrez Betah di City


Masa depan Riyad Mahrez di kota Manchester akan semakin lama. Mahrez ingin mengakhiri karirnya di Manchester City. Mahrez merasa betah di City. Mahrez yang berwarga negara Aljazair saat ini menjadi motor serangan City dalam tiga tahun terakhir

Mahrez datang ke City musim 2018. Semenjak datang ke City Mahrez selalu menjadi kepercayaan untuk bermain dari pelatih Pep Guardiola. Bersama City Mahrez sudah memperoleh dua trofi Liga Primer Inggris dan satu Piala FA selama membela City. Dan tropynya akan bertambah kalua dia berhasil membawa City Juara Liga Champions yang akan di gelar di Porto

Mahrez sudah mencetak 14 gol dan tujuh assist dari total 45penampilannya di semua kompetisi musim ini. Gelandang berusia 30 tahun itu ingin tetap membela City. Mahrez masih mempunyai Kontrak di City Sampai musim 2023


Riyad Mahrez's future in the city of Manchester will be even longer. Mahrez wants to end his career at Manchester City. Mahrez feels at home at City. Mahrez, who is an Algerian citizen, has been the motor of City's attacks in the last three years

Mahrez came to City in the 2018 season. Since coming to City Mahrez has always been the trust to play from coach Pep Guardiola. Together with City Mahrez has won two Premier League trophies and one FA Cup while defending City. And the trophy will increase if he manages to bring City the Champions League title to Porto

Mahrez has scored 14 goals and seven assists in a total of 45 appearances in all competitions this season. The 30-year-old midfielder wants to continue to defend City. Mahrez still has a contract at City until the 2023 season

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