The Moments We Live For!


Baseball is as American as apple pie. I have been told that my entire life. Yes, the majority of my posts are of a political nature, but I LOVE sports. Baseball is my favorite sport to watch live or on tv. Atlanta Braves have been my favorite team since I was born. I remember spending summer days at my grandma's house watching the Braves Everytime they were on tv. She never missed a televised game. In 1995 the Braves won Baseball's greatest achievement, The World Series. I was 6 years old. My mom had let me stay up late to watch the final innings of the game. I called my grandma on the phone as the players stormed the field and we shared that excitement together. The Braves have not won a world series since and my grandmother is no longer living. The last time the Braves made it this far was in fall of 1999.


22 years that the Braves have not been able to win the National League Championship Series. We have made it to the NLCS and lost many many times over the past 2 decades. Myself, like most Braves fans, relish in the days that we had the best team almost 30 years ago, and have said statements such as: if we only had a team like we did back in the mid-90s. Well, it seems 2021 is that year. We were able to win the NLCS and for the first time in 22 years we are headed to the World Series!


The next few days are going to be stressful. As much as I would love the Braves to bring home another World Series championship, I'm still so proud of my team for their accomplishments this season!

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