PENELOPE RED a.k.a @redgemini is now serving…

PENELOPE RED a.k.a @redgemini number 19, is now serving…

"Be bold. If you are going to make an error, make a doozy, and don't be afraid to hit the ball."
—Billie Jean King-

Volleyball is a kind of game that is played with two teams, each team has six (6) players, but make sure that you have other members as a reserved because sometimes amid the game, you will be tired, might your energy be weakened and find somebody to take your part for a moment.

It was mentioned on my intro blog, that one of my hobbies or favorite games is volleyball. I don’t know why I can’t say NO to this drug, oops, sorry, this game rather.

When I was in Elementary, I joined the audition to be one of the players of a volleyball but unfortunately, I wasn’t able to have that kind of a person to become a volleyball player. When I was in college I was given a chance to play this game during the Intramurals, thanks to God, given this opportunity. I don’t know how to play this game but I would be so happy if I could serve and give points to our team.

My Grade 10 - students


These were my last batch of students when I was in private school, they were so nice, courageous, artistic, very competitive, and an amicable group of students of mine. There were some times that I couldn’t get their taste as a student inside the classroom, I got angry because of them, and I was dismayed because of the bad feedback sometimes heard from another teacher, not that bad but I got discouraged even small negative feedback. Later, I realized, they were not perfect, I am not perfect, though, as a teacher, we need to struggle every moment of learning and I need to strive hard to teach them, and mold them to become better ones. I left them almost at the end of the school year, so hard on my part since it's been a year since I have been with them. But, I need to leave and find a greener pasture.

Our customized T-shirt!!


Luckily, our school had an upcoming Foundress Day, and each section had to compete just to WIN. So, we planned, we'd decided to have a uniform t-shirt to validate that we were a player in the volleyball game. By the way, a t-shirt as a uniform was not mandatory during the Foundress’ Day, in fact, I just wanted to make my group identified and unique. I allowed them to choose the number they wanted to have, but the color of the shirt was already assigned to us, so fortunately, we had that color green. By the way, only my section got printed and had a uniform during that game.

Got the Fastest Transaction!


The nice side of this game, lol, we were running out of time and then we needed to have a printed uniform, luckily, when I reached the trusted printing press near our school, she agreed to have our request even though this was a rush order from me. It had only 4 days before the game. We were so lucky we had that swift and approachable owner of MHAI Printing Press, Mrs. Maricel Taghoy. If you have an order or any rush order, you may contact her or search her FB page, just search her name. Here, we've got the printed one.

Got Mine!!


This was the finished product, I was able to wear the perfect uniform for the game, support my students, and stand as their coach, and yes, I was able to have the ideal product that I wanted to have, this printing press got the perfect layout from a customer like me.






From their fabulous faces, I can see that they tried their part to win the battle. They got second place and have the color blue t-shirt uniform for free from the owner of the school as their prize. I would be happy if they were happy. All of us felt spectacular at the end of the game, win or lose, still, we are a player.


Vying the trophy with another team is normal. No matter how hard the game is, no matter how your opponent finds ways to beat you, the important there is, that you did your best fairly, and honestly, and ended it awesomely. Don't feel bitter if you lost the game, just treat yourself that you were also a champion, because sometimes in the game, you showed your moment, too. You've tried and had those points during the serve. Believe yourself, because if you don't believe in yourself, no one will believe in you.


"Volleyball: Invented by men, perfected by women."

That’s all for today. Again, see you HIVERS, and don’t forget,
I AM @redgmini, hungry for new adventures and learnings.

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