
While Europe is shutting down to protect the athletes, there is one country
that goes the other way. They are still playing Football and fans are heading to the games
with masks.

They have quite a few cases around 86+ but not many to alarm the country to shut down.
I guess they are playing with fire. Maybe they do not have much traffic around their border
or a country few people want to visit. They are advising everyone to wash hands and stay clear of big gatherings.

I mean I wish to watch a few games
but their league may not represent a weigh in the balance of world Football.
As long they can manage the virus, their economy will not be tourmented
like most European country or America.
Just like many of you I missed my live sport.
So many things will change.
It could be a meaning for a shorter season going forward.
Nobody knows!
Belarus play the beautiful game.

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