Work out update: I finally got my own home gym

Hey there my Hive friends and followers!

Ok, the title is a bit clickbaitish here as you cannot really make updates on something that you haven´t been doing for a long time and what showed up on the balcony of our new apartment can hardly be called a home gym but let´s start at the beginning, shall we? :)

As you might remember from some of my older work out posts, I was into calisthenics for many years. Then, when we lived in Krakow, I discovered this outdoor gym where my transition from calisthenics to weight lifting began. After two years in Krakow, we lived another two years in Prague where I continued my weight lifting "career" at this outdoor gym. I really enjoyed my work outs at both of those places as I totally prefer these free outdoor gyms to the indoor regular ones.

However, there are no such cool outdoor places with actual machines and weights here in my Czech hometown and since free time has been increasingly scarce for me lately, I decided to build my own home gym. I did have a bit of some basic equipment before but now, I finally got what I always wanted to have: a home bench press set!


That´s right. The balcony of the apartment that we just rented here is big enough to accommodate a whole bench press set so I wasted no time and bought one. Usually, these things are quite expensive but I found a great deal on this one. The whole thing was not even 200 bucks...



It may not be the best quality and of course it´s also one of the smallest existing versions of this kind of kit (and I still have to be very careful with my technique because of the limited space :D) but who cares, iron is iron and what only matters here is how hard you pump it :)



So yeah, I can now get my bench press work out anytime I want and I don´t even have to leave my apartment for it, which is really cool and I cannot wait to get back to the routine. But wait a minute... what routine? Damn, I almost forgot that there hasn´t been any work out routine for me for long months! Four months to be precise... That´s right. I was very consistent with my work out training but I had to stop it due to time reasons when our daughter was about to be born and I haven´t really had a chance to get back to it yet. But now, with my own "balcony gym", I´m ready to get my work out back on track :)

With the dumbbells and other little items that I already had, the gym currently looks like this.



Is it enough to call it a home gym? I guess most fitness enthusiasts wouldn´t say so but I couldn´t care less, it´s my gym now and I´m going to spend every little free moment over there ;) Also, starting my work out again after such a long break will give me the chance to finally see whether those fitness legends about the muscle memory are true or not :) I was in a pretty good shape (mostly performance-wise) before I had to take the break but honestly, now, after four months of doing nothing, I feel like the smallest and weakest sh*t so I´m really curious to see how much time and effort it will take me to get back to where I was before the break. I will try to keep you guys posted about my progress ;)

This post was created by me for the Hive blockchain exclusively. All rights reserved.


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