Sport Photography: my favorite outdoor gym in Prague

Hi there my Hivean friends and followers!

As I mentioned in some of my previous posts, there are several outdoor gyms here in Prague that I use for my workout. I already showed you one of them in this post some time ago. Today, however, I will finally take you the spot that is my very favorite here and where I go most often :) Why it took me so long to make this post? Well, because there are usually other people working out there too and I´m not really comfortable with taking photos of strange people, it seems to be kind of impolite to me.

In summer, there often were quite a lot of people using the gym but now, with the days getting shorter, colder and more rainy, I´m sometimes the only person there, which is something I really enjoy by the way :) During my last workout session two days ago, I was alone in there again, even though the weather was not bad at all that day actually. The temperature was around the pleasant 18 C (64 F) and the sun was shining so I figured it was the perfect time to finally take some pictures of the spot for this long overdue post :)











As you can see in the photos above, the place is still relatively new and undamaged, I think it was built just a few years ago. What I really like about this gym though are the machines and dumbbells. I mean there are dozens of outdoor gyms in Prague but the vast majority of them is basically just calisthenics playgrounds while this gym feels like a real gym. Except it´s open 24/7, located in the fresh air and to be used free of charge of course :) It does remind me of the amazing outdoor gym that I used when I was living in Krakow, Poland and I´m glad that I can continue my "workout career" in the same (outdoor) style here in Prague too. I should also add that there actually is a calisthenics playground right next to this area with the machines too, just behind that big white tarp that you can see in some of the pictures.

If you ever happen to be in Prague and feel like working out at this cool place, let me inform you that it´s located in the city neighborhood of Stodulky, just a few minutes walk from the subway station of the same name (Stodulky). It was actually built for the residents of the nice adjacent houses that belong to the modern part of the neighborhood called the British Quarter but the gym has got very popular over the time and now people from all over the city come here to work out as it probably is the only gym of this kind in Prague. I also pinned this post to Pinmapple so that you can easily find the exact location of this cool place ;)

You can also check out this post on Liketu, a new photography-based platform built on Hive :)

This post was created by me for the Hive blockchain exclusively. All rights reserved.


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